Michael wanted to pick me up, but I refused. I’d get there somehow. Some way. I pulled on an old pair of jeans and a T-shirt, then threw my hair up into a bumpy ponytail. I looked like a hazard zone. The bags underneath my eyes were more prominent than ever and my skin looked pale. Well, paler than it usually was. I sighed as I walked away from the mirror, making my way downstairs.

“Where you headed?”

I paused at the sound of D.J.’s voice.

“Sweetheart?” Mom asked.

I sighed. “Heading out to dinner with Michael and Allison.”

D.J. snickered. “You aren’t going to eat dinner with me and your mother? She’s been cooking.”

I slowly turned around. “No, I’m not. I’ll be back around eight or so.”

“Where are you headed for dinner? So we know where you are.”

“Not your responsibility to know where I am.”

Mom sighed. “Please, just answer his question.”

I glared at her. “Just because you put up with his antics so our bills get paid doesn’t mean I have to.”

Mom gasped. “Excuse me?”

D.J. stood up from the couch. “You apologize to your mother.”

I scoffed. “Yeah, no thanks. No apologies needed for the truth, no matter how hard it is to hear.”

“You get over here right now so we can have a talk. Your attitude has been atrocious lately.”

“Pretty big word for a drug dealer.”

Mom shot up from her seat. “You take that back right now, young lady.”

“Do as your mother says.”

I shrugged. “Sorry that I brought up a rumor on the street.”

D.J. lunged at me and I dropped my purse. I was ready for a fucking fight. I was ready to take this asshole down with nothing but my hands. Mom held him back, talking softly in his ear as my nostrils flared in anger. I silently dared him with his eyes. Dared him to come at me. To lay his hands on me.

I’d get his ass thrown in jail and we’d all be rid of this fucker.

When the two of them sat back down on the couch, D.J. snuggled my mother. Ran his hands over her thighs. I watched her kiss his neck and it made me sick to look at. I picked up my purse and stormed out of the house, making my way for my bike. And as I threw my leg over the rusted piece of shit, I made my way into town.

Straight for the sushi place.

I parked my bike, but didn’t have anything to tie it off. So I simply tossed the hunk of rust down onto the sidewalk and made my way inside. The breeze of the air conditioning felt good. I stood there for a second, letting it dry off the beads of sweat working their way down my face. And when I felt partially human again, I started meandering around the restaurant.

I found Michael and Allison in a booth.

“Shit, she’s here.”

“Hey, Rae!”

I quirked an eyebrow as the two of them leapt away from one another. I mean, Michael practically shoved Allison off his body. Their lips were red. Allison’s neck was flushed. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what they’d been doing in this back booth all by themselves.

It made me feel like the third wheel, though.

Which wasn’t how I wanted to spend my dinner.