“Why wouldn't I be?”

“You want to try one more time?”

And when she grinned, I shook my head.

“No, I didn’t make it to school.”

She nodded. “I was home when the school called and told me you were absent from roll call in homeroom.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever known you to linger in this house.”

“I’ve never had a reason to, until now.”

I chuckled. “Waiting for Dad and his wrath to come wafting through the door?”

Her face stayed serious. “No. Waiting for you.”

Her words clenched my heart. It became hard to breathe. I’d never had someone do that for me. Hang around all day, waiting for me. I didn't know how to process that. How to feel about it.

I drew in a deep breath. “I’m worried about you.”

Cecilia nodded. “I’m worried about you, too.”

“I didn't mean to scare you or anything.”

“You didn’t. I know you can handle yourself. I figured you went on a walk into town, or something.”

“I did.”

“So… how’s town?”

I snickered. “It’s town. How was your day at the house?”

“It was… a day at the house.”

I nodded. “It’s not like you to hang around here like this. Just… sitting here and biding your time.”

“I suppose we’re all changing, in a way.”

“How so?”

“Well, for one, you stood up for yourself. In a way I’ve never seen you do. I mean, I expected it eventually. But I didn’t expect it to be for anyone other than yourself. Not only did you stand up to your father, but you did it for my sake. You’ve grown a lot, Clinton.”

I didn’t wince when she called me by my first name. “I guess that happens as life goes on.”

“You shouldn't have to worry about your father, though. About whether or not he’s home. You leave him to me. I’ll figure this out.”

“You know I’m not going to do that.”

She got up from the couch. “I know you’re not. But that isn’t going to stop me from reminding you that it isn’t your duty as the child of this house to meddle in adult affairs like this.”

“I’ve been meddling in adult affairs ever since my father started using his hands to parent.”

I watched as Cecilia approached me. She stood in front of me, clad in a pristine royal blue dress with dainty white gold jewelry peppering her body. Her makeup looked like perfection. Her hair was completely straight and pulled back, with wisps falling into her face. She reached her hand up and cupped my cheeks, flooding my body with warmth.

A warmth I only had memories of when it came to my mother.

“You’ve been through a lot in your life, Clint. And while I’m not your mother, that doesn’t mean I don’t worry about you.”