“You ready for this, honey?”

I looked over at Mom. “I’m very ready.”

Allison’s father opened the door and there the boys stood. Michael, in a white tuxedo suit with a black collar and a black pair of pants. His button-front shirt was purple. The same color purple as Allison’s dress. And his boutonniere was pale yellow. Just like the corsage he had for her in his hand.

“You look—”

Michael was stunned speechless. I smiled as Allison wrapped her arms around him. Her parents snapped pictures as Michael slipped the corsage onto her wrist and the two of them posed for pictures. I stood off to the side with Mom, taking in how happy and wonderful my two best friends looked.

Then I felt someone appear at my side.

“She doesn’t hold a candle to you, Rae.”

I slowly looked up and saw Clint standing beside me. In his all-black suit, except for this bowtie. The dark green bow tie that matched my dress perfectly. I smiled up at him and he turned to me, his eyes locked with mine. He had a boutonniere on his collar, too. Dark green, with little sprigs of silver that were dotted with the smallest of pearls.

“This is for you,” he said.

I looked down at the corsage, and all eyes turned to me. Pictures were snapped. Mom wiped at her eyes. I smiled brightly at the matching corsage as Clint popped the plastic container open. He took my hand softly and slid the band over my wrist. And as my eyes rose to meet his again, he winked.

“The limo is courtesy of Cecilia, if you’re wondering.”

I snickered. “Why doesn’t that shock me at all?”

He shrugged. “She wants us to have a good time. And she going to want some pictures.”

We looked around at the adults and they nodded. Letting us know he’d get them, in due time.

“Wait, how did Cecilia afford the limo?” I asked.

Michael snickered. “Not going to lie, I’m wondering the same thing.”

Clint shrugged. “Her lawyer has informed her that, until the divorce is final, my dad can’t completely cut her off. Especially after proving that he sold the house right from underneath us.”

My jaw dropped open. “Wait, so…?”

He grinned. “Let’s just say Dad’s mailed her a new credit card to appease her in the hopes she won’t bleed him dry before they can get papers signed.”

All of us had a good laugh before Clint offered me his arm. Allison’s parents and my mother continued taking pictures as we walked outside, all the way to the limo. The leather seats called to us. They were soft. Like butter. And out of the corner of my eye, I saw something chilling on ice.

“What’s that?” I asked.

Michael picked it up. “The finest sparkling grape juice. Chilled to perfection.”

Allison and I giggled as Michael screwed the top off.

Clint grabbed crystal champagne flutes and we each had a glass. The driver had music blaring, preparing us for a wonderful night out. I cuddled against Clint as we drank through the juice. We sang to the songs and waved our glasses in the air. Toasting, over and over, a night to remember.

A night that signaled putting all this bullshit behind us.

The limo drove us to the hotel. To the ballroom the high school had rented out and decorated. I slipped my arm into Clint’s, then Allison took my hand. And together, the four of us journeyed into the hotel. We followed the red carpet all the way to the ballroom. All the way into the entrance. And as the beat pulsed and lights flashed, a smile crossed my face.

This was going to be awesome.

“Care to dance?”

Clint’s lips pressed softly against the shell of my ear to be heard. And a shiver worked down my spine. I peeked over at him and nodded, then pulled Allison over to me. I wrapped her up in a one-armed hug, kissed her cheek softly, and told her how beautiful she looked. Then, I told her I’d see her out on the dance floor.

Just before Clint started tugging me toward it.