Though we said a small prayer over it. Because we had no idea how long it had been back in that pantry.

Mom cracked the soda open. “Bless this soda, Lord, for I know not where it comes from.”

I snickered. “So dramatic. The worst it can do is burn holes in our throats.”

Mom started pouring the drinks just as a knock came at the door. I furrowed my brow and she looked at me, but I saw her tense. Which put me on alert. I knew we weren’t completely out of the woods with D.J. yet. We knew there was a possibility he’d be back.

“Want me to get the door, Mom?”

Then a soothing voice fell down the hallway.

“Rae! It’s me!”

I gasped. “Clint.”

I rushed to the door and ripped it open. I smiled as I lunged myself into his arms. He held me tightly as he spun me around. And I peppered his cheek with kisses.

“What are you doing here?” I murmured.

“Your mom wanted to surprise you tonight with me coming over for dinner.”

I paused. “Since when do you and my mom talk?”

“Since he came over late the other night to check on us.”

Mom’s voice caused my brow to furrow. “What?”

Clint settled me to my feet. “I was worried about you two after D.J. left. I tried going home, but Cecilia knew there was something on my mind. So we did a little drive-by just in case he came back or something.”

“You—you did?”

Mom rubbed my back. “Yep. He did. Came up and knocked on the door and everything.”

Clint grinned. “Your mom invited me to dinner tonight with you two after my worries settled a bit.”

“Which I think is really cute, how he wanted to check in on us,” she whispered.

I cupped his cheek. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

Mom reached for his hand. “Plus, I want to get to know him more. I hope you like enchiladas, Clint. Because it’s a family recipe, and it’s what’s for dinner.”

“Sounds fantastic, Miss Cleaver.”

“Nonsense. Call me Lucy.”

Clint’s eyes widened. “Oh! I brought these.”

I watched him reach for the chair on the porch and him pick up two gorgeous bouquets of flowers. One of them, green and white with dusted gold, he handed to Mom. And the other one, filled with beautiful fall colors, reds and yellows and oranges, he handed to me. I slowly looked up at him before burying my nose in the flowers. Oh, they smelled heavenly. Mom reached out with her arm and hugged Clint’s neck, patting him softly on the back.

They murmured to one another, but I didn’t catch what they said.

I did see Mom smiling, though. Which was a very good sign.

“We should get these in some water,” I said.

Mom released Clint. “Definitely. Come on. I’ve got some old vases somewhere in the cabinets.”

Clint stepped inside. “It smells incredible in here.”