“I got a soft spot for your stepmother’s story. For what I think she’s gone through. And I’d like to think I’m pretty good at reading between the lines.”

“I’m sure you probably are.”

His hands fell from my shoulders. “There are some catches. But they’re small. You’ll provide your own bulbs. Batteries fo

r the three smoke detectors. If any major plumbing issues pop up that our maintenance men can’t resolve, you’re responsible for the bill. But that’s it. If you blow a bulb, the maintenance men will use your bulbs and replace them. Same with the batteries. It’ll all be written out in your lease agreement. Along with the twelve hundred for rent.”

“And that’s it?”

He nodded. “That’s it. Those three things. That will keep our cost down substantially on this apartment and give us the ability to offer this at a price that suits you and your stepmother’s current situation.”

“And your management knows about this?”

“They’re the first people I convinced of it.”

My eyes darted over his shoulder to Cecilia, who was standing anxiously waiting for my response. I didn’t mean to make her so nervous. I just wanted to make sure she’d be okay here.

That we’d both be okay here.

I shrugged. “Well, can we apply today, then?”

My stepmom stepped forward. “Yes. I’m prepared to apply today, if we can.”

Matthew smiled. “I’ll do you one better. The place is yours if you can pay the deposit today. Equivalent to first month’s rent.”

I nodded. “Done.”

Cecilia smiled brightly. “Will you accept a direct transfer? Or Paypal? Or anything like that?”

Matthew chuckled. “We can do Paypal. Let’s get back to the office and get it set up. We’ll get you confirmed before you leave here today.”

The air smelled fresher as we rushed back to the front office. Cecilia transferred the money and I practically forced her to let me cover half of it. Going in together, so she knew I was coming with her. Moving in with her. Staying with her. We sat there in Matthew’s office as everything percolated. As Paypal loaded and emails were sent off and confirmations sat there, pending.

Then, things started dinging on the screen.

My electronic transfer dumped into Cecilia’s bank account. The apartment complex got our deposit. Our confirmation number popped up on screen and Cecilia laughed with joy. I wrapped my arm around her, pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. This was fantastic. Finally, things seemed to be looking up for the two of us.

“All right. So, when do you two want to move in?”

Matthew’s question brought a still to the room as Cecilia sat up.

“Is it possible for us to move in soon?”

He shrugged. “That depends. How soon?”

I butted in. “Two weeks from yesterday sound okay?”

“So, not this coming Sunday, but the Sunday after?”

Cecilia nodded. “Yes. Do you guys do move-ins on Sunday?”

Matthew typed around on his keyboard before a smile crossed his face.

“We do now. Just put myself on the schedule to be here in two Sundays to welcome you guys to the property. Once you get here, I’ll hand over the keys and we’ll sign the lease agreement then.”

Cecilia clapped her hands. “This is fantastic! Thank you so much, Matthew. Really.”

I nodded. “But the apartment is ours even though the lease isn’t signed?”