“I know! I know! It was terrible. I felt awful. But he did succeed.”

“So… did you like it?”

She sighed. “I mean, it was a bit awkward at first. I’ve known Michael for years. It kind of felt like I was holding my brother’s hand or something at first?”

“That’s not good.”

“No, no. It didn’t feel like that the entire time. I think maybe he was nervous because he tried twice before and I moved and all that stuff. But once I relaxed into it and kind of leaned against him, it felt nice. You know, not completely awkward.”

I nodded. “You think you’d do it again? Holding his hand?”

She paused. “I think I definitely would.”

The two of us squealed together before we buried our faces into pillows. I was happy for her because I knew how much she wanted this. I knew how long she’d been crushing on Michael, and it was nice that the two of them were finally opening up that door between them. A door that practically everyone had seen, but no one was willing to admit existed.

Then Allison sighed. “All right. Your turn.”

I groaned. “Do I have to?”

“Why don’t we start with Clint pressing charges. You said he was?”

I nodded, tilting my head to the side. “Yeah, he is.”

“How do you feel about that?”

I shrugged. “I don’t like the fact that it took him so long to make that decision.”

“What do you mean?”

“The entire police thing was just a mess. I mean, we picked out the car, picked those boys out of a lineup, then answered a barrage of questions that ended up being some written testimony we had to sign.”

“Sounds pretty standard, actually.”

I shrugged. “We talked in the back of his stepmom’s car about the pros and cons of pressing charges. Pros and cons, Allison. Like he was planning to move into a home. Or changing up his wardrobe. Or choosing what college to apply for.”


“Yeah. It was frustrating as hell, too. Apparently, I had the option to press charges, and when I blurted out that I’d be pressing charges, Clint changed his tune. Said if I didn’t press charges, he promised he would.”

“So he didn’t really make the decision to press them.”

“Nope. He did it so I wouldn’t. And I still don’t know why.”

She furrowed her brow. “That’s insane. He was severely injured.”

I shrugged. “I know. Trust me, I get it. It boggles my mind, too. I’m just glad he’s pressing them, one way or another. He needs to. Those boys need to rot.”

“Do you know when he’s talking to a lawyer?”

“Tomorrow, actually. After school. To see what steps he needs to take next.”

“Do you know what they’re going to charge those boys with?”

I sighed. “I don’t have a clue.”

“Do you want my opinion?”

“I’d love anything you’ve got for me right now.”