And with a nod, he returned to his phone call. “Officer? Yes, hey. I’m back. Sorry about that. Uh, eleven tomorrow in the morning works just fine. I’ll be coming with my stepmother and the girl that was with me that night. Yes, the girl that found me. Uh huh. Yeah, she got a glimpse of them, too. A good one. Yep. I’ll ask her if she can. But, either way, I’ll I.D. them and answer your questions. Uh huh. I’m sure she will, too. Yep. I’ll make sure she’s prepared. Again, thank you so much.”

He hung up the phone and tucked it away in his back pocket. I clamored on top of him, the argument raging downstairs already falling to the back of my mind. A massive smile crossed my face as Clint’s hands fell to my hips. Holding me steady in his lap. Our foreheads fell together. I giggled as I touched his nose with mine. I slid my hand through his hair, silently wondering if he’d keep growing it out. Because it felt nice in between the slats of my fingers.

Clint sighed. “Thank you for coming with me in the morning.”

I nodded. “Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way.”

“They said they might want you to try and I.D. the guys if you got a good look at them.”

“I’ll never forget their faces.”

“And they might have some questions for you. You know, to wrap things up and make sure all their letters are dotted and crossed.”

I nodded. “If your stepmom can pick me up, we’re good.”

“I know she will. She likes you.”


He snickered. “Yeah. She calls you ‘my girl’ already.”

I shrugged. “I mean, I kind of am your girl.”

He grinned. “I suppose, kind of. Sure.”

I gasped, feigning shock. “Why, Clint. I never! How dare you betray me in such a way?”

“I have betrayed thee in no such fashion!”

I burst out in giggles and covered his face with kisses. His back fell to the mattress, and I went right along with him. I followed his every move as I peppered him with my lips. Kissing his cheeks. His forehead. His neck. His shoulders. He rolled me over, pinning me beneath his comforting weight. And as the argument finally died down below us, I smiled up into Clint’s face.

“You’re not going to get rid of me any time soon. So deal with it.”

He kissed the tip of my nose. “Wouldn't dream of it, gorgeous.”

“Plus, I’m ready to see those assholes get what’s coming to them.”

He chuckled. “And the truth really comes out.”

“Hey, I can be supportive and vindictive at the same time. Girls are great multi-taskers.”

“So, does that mean you can kiss. And. Hold. A. Conversation?”

He punctuated his words with fluttering kisses to my lips. Pulling me deeper into his atmosphere and refusing to let me go.

I giggled “Mm. I. Think. So.”

He kissed me deeply. “Or, we could just do that.”

And as I rolled him over, straddling his hips once more, I figured we could do a little more than that.



I saw Rae sitting on the front porch as we pulled up to her house. I sat in the front seat with Cecilia, but the second I caught a glimpse of Rae’s face, I booked it to the back seat. I got out and slipped inside, leaning over to open Rae’s door. And when she dropped down next to me, I saw the blank stare on her face. The way her lips were softly downturned. She had bags underneath her eyes and a tremble to her hand as she gripped the excess fabric of her jeans.

I reached over, settling my hand on top of hers. “You okay?”