Despite my inherent worry for her mother’s safety.



I pulled Clint into my bedroom and slammed the door closed. I leaned against it, watching as he took a seat on my bed. D.J.’s voice boomed up the stairs. “Don’t you be slammin’ doors in this house!” And when he did, I heard my mother start cursing him out.

“You bastard. Don’t you dare talk to my daughter that way!”

“You’re the one who told me she needed more structure. And apparently, manners!”

“Well, you sure as hell aren’t the one to teach her about those. You barely have them yourself!”

“And now I see where she gets her wonderful tone. You think she’s gonna end up a fucking doormat like her damn mother!?”

My lower lip trembled as I tried blocking it out. I felt something strong wrap around me, pulling me against something steady. I gripped the leather I felt against my skin and drew in a quivering breath. I buried myself against him, trying to mute the fighting as he walked me over to the bed.

“It’s okay. I’m right here. Focus on my voice, Rae. I’ve got you.”

I drew in a shuddered breath. “Fucking D.J.”

“Let it out. Whatever you want to say, I’m here for you. I’m not going anywhere.”

“He’s such a fucking maniac. All the damn time! Especially the last time around. He used to not give a shit about what I did. He never used to think he owned this house until he just got back with my mother. I don’t know what the fuck she told him, but I can’t stand it.”

He rubbed my back. “There we go. There it is. Let it all out.”

He sat back down on my bed, pulling me into his lap. And I freely went along with him. It felt marvelous, having someone here with me. Not being alone while I listened to Mom and D.J. go back and forth at one another downstairs. Clint leaned back against my bed, drawing me deeper into him as I fell against his body. The bed bounced. But I stayed right there with him. Snuggling into him and wrapping myself around him, until our limbs were tangled up so tightly I wasn’t sure where I ended and he began.

Clint kissed my forehead. “Is it always like this when he’s around?”

I nodded slowly. “Practically. He’s an absolute dickhole, too. Hits her. Uses her. And thinks he can get away with it because he pays some bills. I was so proud of my mother for putting in applications. For finally kicking him out and standing up for herself. I believed her, Clint. Really, truly believed her that it was over. That this nightmare of a man—”

“I want you to get one thing straight, Rae. That idiot down there? That’s not a man.”

“I know. I know.”

“No, I don’t think you do. Look at me.”

I slowly panned my eyes to meet his. “Yeah?”

He gripped my chin. “D.J. isn’t a man. He’s a child, masquerading in the body of a man. He’s got no clue what it means to be strong. To fight. To enjoy what he’s got in front of him. The only thing he knows to do is take. Drain. And take advantage when he can. He’s no better than my father. In fact, I’d easily put them in the same field together. They’re one and the same. Understand this, Rae. He’s not a man.”

I sighed. “Why can’t Mom leave him?”

“I don't know, Rae. Sometimes, women are raised to believe they don’t have any other options. Or maybe she’s got a hole of hurt she’s trying to fill that she doesn’t know how to fill any other way. What I want you to know is that D.J. isn’t a man. And even if he was, what he’s saying down there should have no bearing on who you are, or what you do with your life. Ever.”

“He’s just an absolute asshole. He charges in here and starts demanding shit from people like he owns the fucking place. I can’t stand it. I told him the next time Mom came home with bruises on her skin, I’d be calling the damn police myself.”

He grinned. “Good for you. I hope you keep your word on that.”

“I plan on it.”

“And Rae?”

I sighed. “Yeah, Clint?”

“At any point in time, you can call me. I know I don’t have wheels right now, but my stepmom would have no issues coming to pick you up. Anytime, day or night. You call, and I’m here.”