She giggled. “A mess that’s trying to get you some wheels so you can have your independence back.”

“Thank you for that, though. Seriously. I know I wouldn’t even be able to have that conversation with Dad without him biting my head off.”

“Well, I think you should have your freedom back. Especially now that this police investigation is winding down. It’s becoming clearer and clearer to everyone involved that you weren’t responsible for what happened. That should be enough to earn you your independence back.”

I smiled. “Thanks.”

“I mean, just look at it from a practical point of view. You shouldn’t be relying on others to get around. You’re eighteen years old. You’re months away from graduating. And soon, you’ll be off doing your own thing. You’ll need a car to coordinate the life you want. Especially since your bike was completely totaled in the crash. There’s no reason in this world why we can’t take that insurance money and put a down payment on a car for you. It makes no sense.”

“Take a left here.”

“Got it.”



I placed my hand on her knee. “Thank you for being here for me.”

She eased herself to a stop in the middle of the road. The middle of the dark, dank, smelly road that led us all the way to Rae’s house. Lamp lights flickered in the distance, casting an eerie glow over the whole neighborhood. And as Cecilia’s hand fell against mine, she squeezed it softly.

“You’re welcome, Clint.”

I sighed. “I just… not having Dad around for any of this hurt. Knowing how much he blamed me for all this hurt. Probably more than the physical pain I was in.”

“I’m so sorry, Clint.”

I shook my head. “No reason for you to be sorry. It is what it is. But I’m lucky I had you. I’m lucky you were on my side. Thank you for that, Cecilia. I’m glad this has given us a chance to get to know one another.”

She blinked back tears as she brought my hand to her lips. She kissed it softly, leaving behind traces of her chapstick. She sniffled and I reached over toward her, wrapping her up in the most awkward hug I’d ever experienced.

It still felt wonderful, though. Feeling her hold me like that.

“I’m glad, too, Clint. I’m glad we got to spend some time together.”

I snickered. “And you make an awesome as hell milkshake.”

She giggled softly. “I’ll make sure to make them more often for you.”

I pulled back and watched her wipe at her tears. She settled into her seat, then I pointed out which house was Rae’s. She eased us up to the driveway, dropping me off at the curb. But, before I got out, I leaned over and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

“Thanks again.”

She smiled. “Anytime, Clint. Now, go see your girl. I’m sure she’s excited to see you.”

And the woman didn’t have to tell me twice.



Shit. You look like a blown-up bobblehead, Rae.

The knock at the door startled me, causing me to toss myself out of my mother’s bathroom. I scrambled for the steps, ready to throw myself into Clint’s arms and drag him inside. My heart leapt into my throat. I heard a car driving away from the house as high beams filtered through the windows. Shadows pivoted along the walls, beckoning me further toward the front door as I jumped down the steps.


Me and my red face are, at least.