ellow patches of skin and his limping completely ceased.

Watching him heal had been an incredible journey.

But feeling how close we had become had been even better.

My phone ringing on my bedside table caught my ear. I reached over for the phone, hoping and praying it wasn’t Clint. Because I knew there was the slimmest chance that he’d be too tired to come over. I slapped my hand over my phone and pulled it up to my face. I saw Allison’s name and smiled. Just who I wanted to talk to. She’d know how to calm my nerves down.

Until Allison blurted out what she wanted to say.

“Michael asked me to go to a movie tonight!”

I paused, my jaw falling open. “He did what?”

“Yes. Yes. I’m sorry. I wanted to call and see how you were doing and all because I know Clint’s coming over but… Michael asked me out!”


I squealed on the phone with her as I jumped up from my bed. I bounced around, shaking my hair out and pumping my fist in the air. Finally. Fucking finally! Michael had grown a pair of balls and asked Allison out on a date. I flopped back down onto the bed, my lungs panting softly for air as my hair splayed out along the comforter.

I smiled. “Oh, my gosh. I’m so fucking happy for you.”

Allison giggled. “You think it’s a date, right? This is a date?”

I paused. “Of course it’s a damn date!”

“Because, you know, he didn’t specifically use the word ‘date.’ I mean, he said, ‘Do you want to go to a movie with me tonight?’ Not ‘Do you want to go on a date with me tonight?’”


“I know. I know. I just—I really don’t want to read anymore into this than I should.”

I grinned. “He’s asked you out on a date. I promise you.”

“So I’m not crazy? You know, getting dressed up and doing makeup and borrowing Mom’s jewelry?”

I giggled. “Not crazy at all. I want you to have fun tonight. But make it easy for him to make a move on you during the movie.”

“Wait, what?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“What kind of move? You think he might…?”

I snickered as I sat up in bed, listening to Allison whisper the word. Like it was so dirty.

“Kiss me?”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re seventeen years old, Allison. Pipe up.”

She sighed. “What do I do if he tries to kiss me? Or hold my hand?”

“Do you want to kiss him or hold his hand?”

“I mean, maybe?”


She sighed. “Maybe a little bit.”