Then, watching as Marina and Roy shook their heads at me, I saw Aly turn her attention my way as well. I peeked over at her, watching as a sly grin crossed her face. A grin that said ‘I got you.’ A grin that said ‘I’m on your side.’

And for once, I understood what it felt like to have a friend.



RaelynnThree Weeks Later

I sat on the couch, waiting endlessly for Mom and D.J. to get out of the damn place. The two of them were going out for a date night. Which ultimately meant they’d be out until the break of dawn before they stumbled back in. Drunk, horny, and ready to make all sorts of noises until they finally passed out around breakfast time. It had been the same routine for the past couple of weeks, and it made me sick.

This time, however, I had a few plans in store for myself to keep my mind off things.

“So, how’s your friend?”

D.J.’s voice filled the room and I tried my hardest not to roll my eyes. I was ready for them to leave. I wanted them to get out. Not because I didn’t want to be around my mother, but because I was done entertaining D.J. I had no desire to get to know him. No passion to get close to him again. I didn’t care about accepting him into some sort of fold or making him feel part of the family.

I just wanted him out of my space.


I sighed. “Yeah?”

“Did you hear me?”

“I did.”

“Well, is your friend doing all right?”

I shrugged. “He’s fine.”

“That’s good.”


“So, how’s school?”

“It’s school, I guess.”

“What have you been up to lately? Anything fun with your friends? What are their names. Um… Mac and Dani?”

I rolled my eyes. “Michael and Allison.”

“Right, right. How are things with them?”

“They’re good.”

“That’s good.”

I gazed out the window, wondering when Mom would get downstairs. I knew she wanted me to keep D.J. occupied because ‘it upset him whenever he had to wait around’ for her. Wow. What a fucking winner, Mom. But I didn’t want to fight with her on it. She’d obviously made her choice, and in a few months I’d been graduated and out of here. Getting a place with Allison close to UCLA and rooming with my best friend ever.

And hopefully, finding myself a job or something not too long after that.

D.J. sighed. “You know how much longer your mom’s going to be?”

I shrugged. “As long as it takes for her to feel confident walking down those stairs.”

“We’re going to be late.”