blem at all. I’m glad I can help.”

“You wouldn't be willing to help an old man to lunch, too, would you?”

“Already planned on it. Don’t worry.”

She sat next to me, offering a kind smile in the process. It felt weird. One, because she usually sat at the front of the classroom. And two, because the smile she gave me was genuinely kind. Not the snide or berating kind of smiles I’d gotten used to with her. She set my books on top of my desk before situating her own, and I wondered what she was thinking. What was going on in her head? Was she helping me because she wanted to? Or because Rae kept putting her up to it?

Why did I want it to be the former?

“Oh. Great.”

Aly’s voice caught my attention and I looked over at her. As I followed her gaze, I saw what she was looking at. Roy and Marina had strolled into class, taking up their regular seats not too far away from us. Aly grimaced as she looked toward them, easing herself back into her seat.

I just hoped the pair didn’t make a scene in the middle of class or something.

My eyes stared up at the clock, watching the minutes tick up to the top of the hour. And with every second that passed by, our English teacher didn’t come into the room. Where the hell was that woman? Why was she so late this morning?

“You feel as bad as you look, dude?”

I saw Aly’s head whip over toward me as I bit down onto the inside of my cheek. Roy’s voice echoed in my ear as he leaned over, trying to close the space between us. I rolled my shoulders back, ignoring the pain in my collarbone. I slowly rolled my head around, trying to loosen myself up. All I had to do was ignore them. Don’t engage. Because the second I engaged them, we were in trouble.

I let the comment roll off my back.

But I shouldn’t have answered.

“I’m healing just fine. Thanks.”

Roy scooted his desk a bit closer. “You got physical therapy or some shit you’re doing?”

Had it not been for the grin on his girlfriend’s face, I would’ve actually thought he cared.

“Yep. Three times a week right now. For the next few weeks.”

Roy nodded. “Uh huh. Right. So you’ll be back in shape soon enough?”

I licked my lips. “That’s the plan.”

“That’s a shame. Really.”

Aly scoffed. “Put a sock in it, Roy.”

I slowly panned my gaze over to him, taking in the fire in his eyes. I shouldn’t have asked, but he had me baited. Right there on his fucking hook.

“What’s a shame?”

Roy snickered. “I mean, you getting back into shape. It’s been nice not having you around.”

Marina giggled. “Too bad that cliff was only twenty feet high.”

I heard part of the class gasp at her comment. It was the top of the hour and the damn teacher still wasn’t in the room. Where the fuck was she, anyway? I stared Roy down, trying my hardest to be the bigger man. There was no need for me to talk down to a woman. I certainly didn't want to become my father. I didn't want to let my anger take hold of me like it did him. That was Roy’s bitch, so it was Roy’s issue to handle.

My eyes held Roy’s. “Yeah. Too bad, I guess.”

Roy grinned. “I knew you were a depressed little shit.”

Aly piped up. “That’s enough, Roy.”

Marina giggled. “Should’ve done us all a favor and finished what that bridge started.”