“Well, yeah. We’ve got class together before our lunch break. Why wouldn't I?”

I smiled, leaning toward her to give her a hug. I wrapped my arms around her, thankful that my two best friends were finally opening up to Clint being around. I mean, I knew he’d been an ass. But I saw a change in him. A softer demeanor. A desire to do better for himself. It warmed my heart that I had Allison’s support. It warmed my heart that she was willing to reach out and help Clint in such a manner.

I kissed her cheek. “I really appreciate it.”

She rubbed my back. “Don’t worry. Michael and I got this. We’re here to help. Okay?”

“Okay. Yeah.”

The bell tolled, signaling our first transition to class. Allison and I set off for our first period. Biology. Science, first thing in the fucking morning. Like, really? Who the hell made that schedule? Who in the world decided that biology at eight-thirty in the morning was a wonderful idea for anyone?

Then I felt Allison tapping me on the shoulder.

“Don’t look now, but look at our two guys.”

She pointed, and my heart warmed at the sight. I gazed down the hallway, watching as Michael walked alongside Clint. I smiled at them, watching Michael carry Clint’s books. He had slowed his walking pace to stay by Clint’s side, and kept him engaged in conversation. Hell, I even saw Michael reach out and steady his hand against Clint’s shoulder when he stumbled over his own two feet in the hallway.

I smiled as my heart melted into a steaming puddle of thankfulness.

“Told you,” Allison whispered.

I rolled my eyes as she linked her arm with mine. It was time for our morning torture session with one of the most boring teachers in this high school. I swear, his voice never wavered from its one monotone pitch. He wore the same five outfits every week. Every day, of every week. Like those outfits were specifically designated for those particular days of the week, and no other days.

I sighed. “Ready for the purple vest?”

Allison snickered. “You think he’d switch it up at some point in time, right?”

A small commotion at the end of the hallway ensued, and it caused us to pause in the doorway of the classroom. I looked down the hallway, squinting, as I tried to figure out what was going on. I saw Clint against the wall. At least, I thought it was Clint. When Michael came into view, I knew that had to be Clint.

I watched Michael place his hand on someone’s chest. Backing them away from Clint. I didn’t know what was going on, but it looked bad. I started down the hallway.

Until Allison pulled me back.

“They’ve got it.”

I scoffed. “Something's wrong. I have to get to Clint real—”

“You’re going to be late for class.”

I whipped around. “I don’t care if I’m late for class, Allison.”

Kids started yelling and I turned back around. I saw Michael shoving a kid down the hallway before teachers began intervening. Only they didn’t go after Michael and Clint. They went after the kid that had been pushed behind the corner. I didn't know what was going on. But what I saw warmed my heart even further. I saw my best friend wrap Clint’s arm around his shoulder and help him into class.

Before running out of the room and sprinting down the stairs to his own.

Allison sighed. “Well, that’s something I didn’t think I’d ever see.”

I smiled softly. “Right?”

“Do you think Michael will ask me to prom?”

I did a double-take. “Say what now?”

“Prom, Rae. Keep up. Do you think he’ll ask me?”

“I mean—I—I don’t—do you—do you want him to?”

She nodded. “Yes.”