Mike held out his hand. “See? Brick gets it.”

I paused. “You guys are really gonna make that stick, aren’t you?”

Aly giggled. “We really are.”

Mike shrugged. “I mean, it fits. Brick walls don’t cave easily. Simple as that.”

I was taken aback by the compliment. Because that was what that was. A compliment. From Mike. The guy who, only a few weeks back, I’d punched directly in the face because of a comment I made about the very nice girl at his side. Thankfulness rushed through my veins. I grinned at him as I nodded my head. I reached my hand out, holding it

there for him to shake.

And when Mike clapped his hand against mine, I smiled.

“Really. Thank you.”

Mike nodded. “Whatever you need, dude. Just let us know.”

Aly clapped her hands. “Finally! Yes. It’s about time the two of you put things to rest.”

Mike snickered. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I chuckled. “Not a damn clue.”

The four of us stood by Rae’s locker, shooting the shit and having a grand old time. I used to think that getting here before that homeroom bell was for losers and idiots. But this was a lot of fun. We stood around, making jokes and venting about classes. They put a smile on my face, and a few of my jokes put smiles on theirs. It felt nice, being around good people. Genuine people. People who didn’t stand around, picking on those that walked by. People who minded their own damn business and had things to talk about other than the pussy they got over the weekend.

Fucking Roy.

Things felt different. In a good way. Laughing with Mike and Aly felt more carefree and less skeezy than it did with Roy and Marina. The past few weekends that I’d spent at home and in the hospital were actually better than the weekends I spent drinking and partying. Despite the pain and despite the hospital stay and despite the medication, I’d had more fun with Rae at my side than I did in a hot tub full of girls pouring shots down my damn throat.

Who the hell are you becoming?

Someone I wanted to become.

Aly laughed. “Oh, my gosh. Clint, you really missed it last week. Wedne—no, Thursday. Thursday morning, the principal came into his office with his robe still on. His robe, Clint.”

My brow furrowed. “Why the hell did the principal come with—?”

Mike grinned. “He’d been out all day chasing down this new puppy they’ve gotten. His youngest let it out of the backyard, and he had to chase it down before he came into school.”

Rae snickered. “Didn’t have enough time to clean himself up much before he had to be in his office.”

My jaw fell open. “And the man didn’t just take a sick day?”

Aly shook her head. “I’m telling you, our principal is a workaholic!”

The four of us laughed at Rae’s locker just before the bell tolled. The screeching sound made me wince, and Rae was right there at my side. Rubbing my chest, kissing my arm, and trying to soothe me back down onto my toes. I wasn’t sure why the bell startled me as much as it had. I wasn’t sure why it made my entire body ache. But having Rae there helped. Having Aly and Mike there helped.

I like having people in my life who help.

I drew in a deep breath. “What classes do you guys have first this morning?”

Mike pointed behind him. “I’ve got chemistry first thing. I’m all the way back that way.”

Aly nodded. “I’ve got biology with Rae before our English class together.”

Rae gasped. “That’s right! You two have English together before lunch. Here, Aly. Can you take this to class for him?”

Aly held out her hand. “Of course. I wasn’t sure why you didn’t give it to me sooner.”