I leaned over and gave her a kiss, but she turned her lips toward mine. Instead of connecting with her cheek, her lips fell to mine. And I tasted that cheese danish against her skin. She moaned against me as my tongue pierced her lips. Her jaw dropped open, allowing me inside as I reached over to cup the back of her had. I contorted my body, swallowed my groans of pain as I tasted her breakfast upon her lips.

Then I pulled back. Because my ribs were screaming at me the more I moved toward her.

I winced. “I like that cheese danish.”

Rae pushed me back. “Sit up. I know you’re in pain.”

“Never, when you’re around.”


“Rae, it’s okay. I pro—”

“Just let me take care of you, okay?”

I heard the frustration in her voice and it gave me pause.

“Just… just let me be here for you, all right?”

I nodded. “All right.”

“You’re important to me. You’re worth this. You’re worth skipping the study session and

you’re worth spending time with. I know you’re used to being tough. Always doing it alone. But you’re not alone right now. So, just… try to work with me, okay? It’s okay to tell me when you’re in pain.”

“I’m just not used to it.”

“Well, try to get used to it, please?”

I sighed. “I can give it my best shot.”

“Here, let me fix your pillows.”

I leaned forward for her again, letting her rearrange them behind me. And as she doted on me, trying her best to make me feel comfortable, I felt cared about. For once. I felt loved, for once. It’d been a long time since I’d felt things like this before. Yet she and Cecilia were practically showering me with it. I had no idea what I’d done to deserve it. To warrant it.

But I hoped one day to find a way to pay them back for it.

Rae leaned me back. “There. How’s that?”

I sighed with relief. “Much better.”


I grinned. “You think I’m worth skipping your study session for?”

“Don’t you start.”

“You want me more than school. You want me more than school.”

“Well, there are times where I want torture more than school. So take it for what it’s worth.”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve heard torture can be pleasurable at times. If you do it right.”

She shot me a look. “You can keep all those thoughts to yourself.”

“So my hands have free rein?”

She playfully shoved me. “You’re insane, you know that?”