She giggled. “I don’t think you’re the only one to make that assumption. They had an assortment of fresh pastries on sale because they didn’t get the ‘pastry to filling’ ratio right. I don’t know what the hell that means, but I got them half off. So I got a bunch of them.”

“You didn’t have to do that, you know.”

“I don’t have to do anything. But I wanted to.”

I grinned. “Thank you, Rae.”

She leaned over and kissed my cheek, letting her lips linger for a little bit. I scooted over, giving her enough room to sit on the edge of my bed. She didn’t take the hint. Instead, she grabbed her coffee and leapt into bed with me, taking up the spot next to me she’d had last night. I reached for a cheese danish, handing it to her before digging out a lemon one for myself.

And when I took a bite out of the damn thing, I moaned.

“Holy shit.”

Rae nodded. “Right?”

“So fucking good.”

“Seriously. Their cheese ones are great. But I’ve got, like, four apple ones in there. You’d think that’s gross. But it’s not when they do it.”

I took another bite. “How have I not known about these things? They’re incredible.”

“Have you ever actually been in there, tough stuff?”

I cast her a look that made her snicker. Of course I’d been in that damn place. Every fucking girl at our high school had been in that damn place. Which meant just about every guy in our school had been in there at least once. Doesn’t mean I’d had their food, though. Just a plain coffee while the girl I was with got some hoity-toity soy-based milk-coffee concoction. Some girl I’d hooked up with wanted to go there for a date after skipping out on class sophomore year. Just after I’d gotten my bike license, and right before I totaled my first rusted-out motorcycle. I wasn’t going to tell Rae that, of course. She didn’t need to know those details.

But, yes. I’d been in the damn place before.

“Got any plans for your day?” I asked.

I peeked over at Rae and watched her shrug.

“I mean, they can wait.”

I paused. “What’s waiting?”

“Nothing much. Just a study session with Allison.”

“Is it important?”

“Not as important as this.”

“Are you sure?”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, Clint. I’m sure. I don’t actually need to study with Allison. It’s just tradition for us before every major test with classes we share.”

“What class?”

She paused. “History.”

“Oh, goodie.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll help you through the test.”

I grinned. “Skipping study sessions for little old me, huh? What’s next? Skipping classes? Skipping school days?”

“In your fucking dreams, hot stuff.”

“That’s more like it.”