I turned around at the sound of the strong voice. A man in a white coat came into the room with a clipboard and a pen. He handed it all to Clint before sitting him up in the hospital bed, using the controls that had taken me damn near ten minutes to figure out.

The doctor quirked an eyebrow. “While we’re not fans of how you guys sneaked in—or brought him food—the truth of the matter is that neither his father nor his stepmother are allowed in here right now. So, as long as it’s one person at a time, we can overlook some things for a few hours.”

I smiled. “Thank you, Doctor. I really appreciate it.”

Clint groaned. “What do I do, Doc?”

“Have this young woman put her name, address, and phone number down. Then you sign at the bottom. That’s all you need to do.”

Clint handed me the clipboard. “Rae?”

And with a smile on my face, I took it from him to fill in.

Anything that got me one step closer to never being pushed away from his side again.



“All right, Mr. Clarke. It’s that time again.”

I smiled coyly. “Hello, Nurse Nina. Time for me to show you my nooks and crannies again?”

She giggled. “You better stop that flirtatious nonsense. My husband’ll come in here and give you a piece of his mind.”

“The more, the merrier.”

“Hey, now! I saw that cutie patootie that came in here yesterday to visit. I also saw how she made your heartrate monitor rise and fall. You can’t tell me there isn’t something there.”

I chuckled. “That’s Rae. And she’s a saint. Literally, my guardian angel. She’s the one that found me in that ravine.”

“Well, thank the Lord for that. Because without her, I wouldn't be accosted by you on a daily basis.”

“And you know you’d miss it.”

Nurse Nina was always a refreshing face on the ICU floor. An older lady with a spunky personality and a lovely meet-cute story she enjoyed telling people about. Everyone on the hall knew the story of how she and her husband met. And I had to admit, I didn’t mind hearing it multiple times a day. She always had a smile on her face and a giggle on the tip of her tongue to offer someone. An infectious sound. One that reminded me a lot of Rae’s giggle.

Thank fuck for Rae.

Nurse Nina sighed. “All right. Ready?”

I looked up at the ceiling. “Just be gentle with me. I’m tender, and sensitive.”

She giggled. “You wish.”

She pulled my blankets off, exposing me to the harsh cold of the room. And after she flipped up my hospital gown, she got to work. I had bandages covering stitches created during surgery. Multiple entry points where the

surgeons had explored, cauterizing veins or whatever the fuck it was they did to stop the internal bleeding.

“All right. Things look nice.”

I grinned. “Just nice, Nurse Nina?”

“Oh, stop it, you little hellion.”

The humor detracted from the fact that she was literally raising my cock up to inspect me. Because out of everything else, my balls had also been bleeding when I came rolling into the E.R. She finished her inspection before changing my bandages. She ran this numbing salve over my wounds before covering them back up with new gauze. She taped everything down and flipped my gown over my hips. Then she changed my blankets out for these nice, warm sheets that made me moan as they hit my skin.

“Fresh out of the dryer. Why do you always flirt with me like this?”