I looked up and saw Michael staring inside the room at us. And I could’ve sworn he and Allison were holding hands. He gave me a thumbs-up, I guess signaling to me that the coast was still clear. I reached my arm out for Rae again.

“Come here, gorgeous.”

She smiled. “Oh, I like that one much better.”

“I figured you would.”

She lay back down in my arms and I closed my eyes. This was how I wanted things to be. Her, nestled against me, while I closed my eyes and slept. The food sat well in my stomach. Greasy, fatty food that helped me wake up a bit. All this healthy shit the hospital fed me—bland foods like rice and unbuttered toast—was getting old. And now that they had me off the morphine drip, why couldn't I have a nice burger?

Even if it came back up on me, it was still worth it to see Rae. To hold her again. To smell her again. To be next to her again.

“You saved me.”

I snickered. “No, gorgeous. You saved me. And I owe you my life for it.”

She kissed my chest. “You owe me nothing.”

“I owe you everything, and you’ll like it that way.”

She giggled. “You’re a mess, you know that?”

“A mess you like.”

“A mess I—”

She paused, and my heart skipped a beat. Surely she hadn’t been about to say something like that. What I wouldn’t have given in that moment to look down at her. To read her face and gaze into her eyes. Fucking hell, this damn neck brace. I needed it off, and now.

But when she buried herself into my side, I knew. I knew what she almost said.

And I hoped one day, she knew I felt the same way.

“Get some rest, Clint. I’m sure you’re exhausted.”

I stroked my fingers up and down her back. “I don’t want to miss a second with you.”

She wrapped her arm around me. “I promise, I’ll be back. I’m bringing your homework, remember? I’ve become your study buddy. Plus, you’re putting me on that ‘HIPPO’ form.”



“HIPAA. With an ‘A’.”

“‘HIPPO’ sounds better.”

I chuckled. “It does, doesn’t it?”

“Yep. You can’t get rid of me that easily, handsome.”

I smiled. “Trust me, I don’t want to.”

She paused. “I like sappy you. It’s very romantic.”

“Don’t give away all my secrets at school now. Can’t have all the guys being as smooth as me. Someone might steal you away.”

She snickered. “I’d like to see them try.”

“I’ll punch them in the throat if they try.”