“Speaking of graduation, what does your recovery look like? You’re going to walk and all that, right?”

“Well, I’m pretty beat up. I know Dad wants me out before he goes on this fun business trip. But just because my concussion is clearing up doesn’t mean I’m out of here. If things go perfectly, I might get released in a couple days. But, realistically, I’m looking at another week in this hospital. At least, before they release me.”

“What happens after they release you, Clint?

“The usual. Physical therapy. Exercises. In home, and in an office somewhere. That will help fix my back and the movement in my arm, once my collarbone heals.”

She paused. “Wait, your back? What happened to your back?”

I grinned. “I fell twenty feet down a ravine and landed on a bunch of rocks. My vertebrae have slipped out of place. My back’s crooked from the impact.”

Her eyes rose to meet mine. “You didn’t tell me that.”

“I’m sorry. I guess, in the grand scheme of things, it’s easier if I tell you what’s not wrong with me.”

I laughed, but she didn’t find that funny.

“Not a cool joke, Clint.”

I cleared my throat. “Sorry, beautiful.”

I watched her sit up, and already I missed her warmth. She placed one arm over me, propping herself up as her body hovered over mine. I gazed into her eyes as I sat there, staring at her. Propped up for the first time in days as I gazed upon the most beautiful face I’d ever come to know in my short life.

I smiled. “I’m really glad you’re here.”

Rae blushed. “I’m glad I’m here, too.”

“You’re eighteen, right?”

She paused. “Yeah. Why?”

“I’ll have a talk with the doctor about putting you on my HIPAA form.”

“Your what now?”

I chuckled. “It’s a release form that designates who can know about my condition. Since you’re technically a legal adult, I can put you on the list so the hospital can call and update you on how I’m doing.”

“Or I could pick up your school work and bring it to you so we can study together. Which means your father looks like an absolute asshole if he stands in the way of your studies.”

“I like the way you think, Cleaver.”

She winked. “And here I thought you’d keep calling me ‘beautiful.’”

My smile faded. “You’d really do that for me?”

“Do what?”

“Bring my schoolwork and help me study?”

“I mean, why wouldn't I? You’re going to be here while school is still happening. You’ll still have tests and shit like that. If you want to graduate, you have to at least not fail things. So, yeah. Of course I’d do that for you.”

I felt overwhelmed by her words. This beautiful young girl really was willing to bend over backwards for me. Which was such a refreshing change of pace from my father. I blinked back tears, feeling like a great big pussy as a smile crossed Rae’s face.

“We’ll blame it on the pain you’re in, okay?”

I snickered. “Yeah. Sure. Good thinking.”