He sighed. “Well, I broke my collarbone. Which didn’t help my dislocated shoulder. My ribs are pretty bruised. But not broken, miraculously.”


“There was minor internal bleeding, though. They found it during surgery. I’ve got some stitches in places no one should have stitches. But it is what it is. If I have a good day today, I get moved out of ICU. The say the concussion is almost gone. So at least it wasn’t a bad one.”

“Oh, Clint.”

Michael walked up beside me. “Jesus, man, you look rough.”

Clint looked surprised, but didn’t skip a beat. “I’d say I’ve had worse. But that would actually be a lie.”

Allison walked around to his other side. “Can we get you anything?”

I smiled. “Are you able to eat?”

Michael nodded. “Because we brought you a burger and fries from a joint up the road.”

Allison started pulling the food out. “With a Mountain Dew. Rae said it’s your favorite.”

Clint smiled. “That’s my girl.”

And my heart soared with delight.

Allison handed him the food as I navigated the controls for his hospital bed. I got him sitting up without moving his neck too much, then he took everything over. He seemed happy to see us. Having Allison and Michael with me didn’t kick up too much tension. I kept smiling while Clint talked. While he chewed. While he swallowed. So many small things about him I’d taken for granted. Things no one ever thinks about enjoying on another person.

Until there’s a fear of no longer having those things.

Michael cleared his throat. “Well, Allison and I should probably go stand guard.”

Allison nodded. “Yeah. In case your parents come back.”

Clint furrowed his brow. “My parents?”

I leaned in. “They don’t exactly know we’re here.”

His eyes darkened. “What did my father say to you?”

I sighed. “We can talk about that later, okay? I promise I’ll tell you why I haven’t been here. I just wanted you to know I hadn’t abandoned you. If I could have gotten to you, I would have.”

He brought my hands to his lips to kiss. “I know. I know you would have. I know you better than that.”

And as my two best friends slipped out into the hallway, I sighed at the touch of his lips against my skin.

A touch I hadn’t been sure I’d ever feel again, thanks to the events of Thursday night.



I couldn't stop staring. I hadn’t seen those eyes in what seemed like an eternity, and my blood boiled at the idea of my father robbing me of them. I heard my heart monitor ticking up. I felt my blood pressure rising. Rae’s worried eyes darted to all the machines around me before dipping her lips down against my ear.

“Breathe for me. It’s okay. I’m here. Just breathe.”

I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me. I didn’t care what part of me hurt. I didn’t care what part of me cried out for mercy. I needed to feel her. I needed to hold her. I needed to be close to her, just in case someone came to remove her. I closed my eyes, breathing along with her as she coached me through my breaths. I slid my left-hand fingers through her hair, trying to be ginger with my right arm in its sling. She curled up against me, snuggling into bed. Her warmth overcame me and the scent of her filled me with life.

I wanted nothing more than for her to stay here with me. Like this.

She drew in shuddered breaths and I wanted so badly to kiss her. To lean down and kiss the top of her head. She sniffled, wiped at her tears and snuggled deeper into me as I tried so hard to keep my groans of pain at bay. I wouldn't rob her of this. I wouldn't rob either of us of this moment.