Michael shrugged. “Does it matter? They can’t expect you to just sit on your hands and wait without hearing a word. You were at the crash site.”

Allison nodded. “It’s absolutely ridiculous. You saved him. You’re the one that found him. You deserve to know what’s going on with him.”

“He’s got a bastard of a father, but that shouldn't stop him from updating you on his son’s condition.”

“If anything, he should be thanking you. Because you're the reason Clint is still alive.”

I nodded slowly. “Thank you guys so much.”

Allison reached back, taking my hand. “That’s what friends are for.”

I sniffled. “I take it Michael filled you in?”

She nodded. “On everything. Especially once you didn’t show up at school yesterday.”


?I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just—”

She squeezed my hand. “No need to apologize, crazytown. I’m not upset. I’m just glad you guys are okay.”

“Even Clint?”

Michael nodded. “Even Clint.”

Allison had the bright idea of picking up fast food and sneaking it into the hospital for Clint. Which shocked me, because that was something she’d do for me. Was it possible they were finally considering Clint part of our group? A friend, even? I hoped so, in the pit of my soul. Allison stuffed the food into her purse after we were done eating, and even managed to prop up a soda in one of her pockets so it wouldn't tip over.

And after sneaking through the hospital corridors, we finally found Clint’s room.

“Holy sh—”

I held up my hand, stopping Michael’s sentence in its tracks. Clint was fast asleep, and no one was in his room. This couldn't have been planned any better. My eyes ran along him as I slowly walked into his room. His ICU room.

“Oh, Clint,” I whispered.

I walked over to his bedside with my hands trembling. He was in rough shape. Even rougher than I remembered. Both of his eyes were blackened, along with his jaw. His nose had been set, so he had a brace around it, taped down to his face, which had red marks where it wasn’t bruised. He had his right arm in a sling, and his neck was braced. Unable to move. He had tubes running in and out of his nose. In and out of his hands. His arms. Even from underneath the covers.

My lip quivered as I sat in a chair beside his bed.

I reached out for his hand, placing mine against his. I settled it softly, feeling how cold he was to the touch. The second I touched him, his eyes popped open. I yanked my hand back, but only partially. Because he moved with lightning speed, wrapping his hand around my wrist.


I looked over at Michael and Allison as they stood at the foot of his bed, beckoning for me to talk to the boy.

“I can’t move my neck. Please tell me that’s you.”

Tears rushed my eyes as I stood up. I slowly maneuvered myself into his view, listening as he breathed a sigh of relief. I sniffled and smiled, gazing into his bloodshot eyes.

“Hey there.”

He grinned. “Hello, beautiful.”

His fingers slipped between mine, our hands lacing themselves together. I wiped at my tears with my free hand as I sat on the edge of his bed. My eyes kept dancing over him. I knew there were probably injuries I couldn't see. And, as if he’d read my mind, he began rattling them off to me.

“I’ve got a concussion, too. Which is why my neck is braced like this.”

I nodded slowly. “What else?”