She snickered, swatting at my chest. “You’re about to lose brownie points here, handsome.”

“Oooh, and what do these points get me?”

I slipped my hand underneath her dress as giggles fell from her lips. I captured them with mine, swallowing her sounds as her skin puckered underneath my fingertips. Her legs parted for me, allowing my body to sink between them. And as her womanly scent wafted up my nostrils, I felt my cock hardening. I felt my body tightening. I felt her rolling against me, ready for my fingers to fill her as I danced over her bare pussy.

My eyebrows rose. “No underwear?”

And when that salacious little smile crossed her cheeks, I filled her pussy with my fingers.

“Oh, Clint.”

“So wet for me.”


gasped. “Shit. Just like that.”

“I’ve got you, Rae. I’ll always have you. I’ll never disappoint you like my father disappointed my mother.”

“I know. I know. And it’ll be all right, Clint.”

I gazed down into her eyes, watching as a flash of darkness took over her face, muting her presence before bringing her back. My fingers stilled. My brow furrowed deeper. And as her hand cupped my cheek, I watched the light blue quickly fade into the darkest shade of navy I’d ever seen.

“It’s going to be all right, Clint.”

She disappeared from underneath me and my world tilted. The warmth of her pussy around my fingers were gone, and pain unlike any other raced up my spine. I cried out, watching as the world tilted me onto my back. I heard the rushing sounds of water. I smelled the scent of burning rubber. I heard someone calling my name in the distance as I gazed up at the navy blue sky. Dotted with stars that twinkled for my delight.

Trying to ease me through the pain.

“You’re a fighter, Clint. Fight for this. Fight for your life.”

As I lay there, a reel played out in the sky. Like the projector screen back inside the hellhole that was my father’s mansion. I watched everything play out on screen. Like some kind of sick, twisted horror movie. As the water rushed over my legs, trying to carry me downstream, the movie played out. Those four drunk boys, rolling up on Rae and me in the parking lot. Them taunting her. Threatening her. Licking their lips at her and wanting to make her their meal for the night. I saw me harassing them, getting them to chase me while Rae hopped the fence to get away from them. I watched the car chase play out with horror filling my body. I felt my eyes widening as my nose ached. I felt my toes tingle as my shoulder slowly moved itself out of socket.

“Holy fuck!”

I roared out into the expanse of nothingness as the water lifted my body. I kept my eyes trained toward the sky as that damn phrase kept repeating itself. Over and over, from a disembodied voice that haunted me from the depths of the water.

“You’re a fighter, Clint. Fight for this. Fight for your life.”

I’m so fucking tired of fighting, though.

I saw the wreck. How the car slammed into my bike. I saw myself stumbling over toward the woods, trying to get away from the beer bottles those damn boys threw at me. I watched myself turn around. I watched that damn bottle clock me right between the eyes. I felt my head throbbing. Aching. Spilling with blood as the car rushed me again in my stunned stupor.

Before he ran into me completely, pushing me over the edge of the bridge.


I saw my own body coming at me. I tried reaching out to catch myself, but I couldn't move. Just as my own body reached me, it turned into nothing. It felt like my soul had slipped into my body before the water whisked me away. I sank underneath, wrapped up in its cold nature. Sinking to the bottom as screaming filled my ears.

I felt the water dragging me away as my lungs refused to breathe.

“You’re a fighter, Clint. Fight for this. Fight for your life.”

I felt my back fall against the rocks at the bottom of the river, my legs dangling helplessly in the water. My heart was giving out, my blood slowing. And as the world faded to black, I felt something snag against my coat.

My body stopped moving. But not soon enough.

“Holy shit.”