Then, he cleared his throat. “I take it the call didn’t go well.”

I snickered. “Whe

n I told him his son’s heart stopped, he groaned and hung up on me.”

“He what now?”

I nodded. “Yeah. I mean, I get that you don’t like Clint because he’s a dick. But his father makes him look like a saint.”

“Sounds like it.”

I leaned back against the leather seats of Michael’s SUV and gazed out the window. Maybe I shouldn’t have called his father at all. I didn't know. I wasn’t sure if I’d made the right decision. So much had already happened tonight, and my head felt like it was still spinning. Michael took my hand again, holding it until we pulled into the hospital parking lot. I saw the ambulance crew hauling Clint out as we pulled into the parking garage, and I told Michael I’d pay for the ticket.

Then I shoved myself out of his car and took off.

“Rae! Wait up!”

I heard Michael racing after me as I kept my eyes trained on that ambulance. I hopped over railings and darted through medians. Car horns honked at me as I cut them off. I’d be damned if I let them stop me, though. I saw the ambulance pulling away from the hospital E.R. doors. Michael caught up with me, heaving for air as we charged through the automatic doors.

Just as they rolled Clint down the hallway, a nurse stopped us.

“You here with the crash victim?”

I nodded breathlessly. “Clint Clarke. Yes. I need to see him. I told him I wouldn't leave his—”

“He’s being rushed into surgery. They prepped him in the ambulance. If you wait here—”

“Look, Nurse. I know. I get it. But I have to see him before that surgery. I told him he wouldn’t do this alone, and I couldn’t ride with him in the back.”

The nurse sighed. “Girlfriend?”

I looked over at Michael before I nodded.

“Yes. Clint’s my boyfriend.”

She sighed. “I can only update you on so much since you aren’t family. But what I can tell you is this: in less than two minutes, he’s going to be on an operating table. And any time we waste, there’s a higher chance he won’t make it out of surgery. He’ll understand once the surgery is over. Now, I need you to sit here and try to remain calm for us. Can you do that for me?”

I drew in a quick breath. “What do you mean, you can’t update me on much? His family doesn’t give a shit about him!”

Michael sighed. “Rae, take a breath for me.”

“No! I’m done with the breathing. His father doesn’t give a damn about that boy. And his stepmother is just some trophy at his side. And you’re going to update them before you update me?”

“It’s protocol. I’m sorry. I’ll tell you what I can, but nothing more.”

And with that, the nurse turned on her heels and went back to the intake desk.

I hissed to myself. “Bitch.”

“All right. Let’s sit you down before you get us thrown out of this place.”

Michael guided me to a chair before he left. I watched him turn a corner, disappearing from sight, only to emerge with two bottles of water. He sat down beside me and handed me one, and I tossed him a thankful look. I didn’t feel like talking anymore. I didn’t feel like using my voice. It was going in and out already. Hoarse, before coming back mightier than ever. So the two of us sat in silence and sipped on our water.

Until Michael broke the silence.

“All we can do is wait. And in the meantime, maybe we can call Allison. Get her to bring us some food.”

I shook my head. “I don’t wanna bother her with this. Bothering you with it is enough.”