“They intentionally went after you. They intentionally ran you off the road. I’ve seen the crime photos. I’ve read the reports. The theories. And from the looks of the scene, you got off your bike and tried making a break for the woods. Didn’t you?”

I felt my face pale as Cecilia squeezed my hand tighter.

“Is that true, honey?”

Dad murmured under his breath, but I didn’t catch it.

“Uh, yeah. That’s—that’s true. You can see that from the pictures?”

Omar nodded. “Clear as day. Your bike is mangled in one place, but you went over the railing in another. There are separate sets of tire skid marks. Same tires, different areas. They intentionally pushed you over that railing. That’s as much attempted murder as anything I’ve ever come across.”

Holy shit. “Well, I appreciate your bluntness and honesty. Thank you.”

“Mr. Clarke, these kids are lucky you’re still breathing. Otherwise, they’d be staring down the barrel of a very unfortunate future. If it makes you feel any better, I can go easy on them. Suggest juvie for a spell, as well as a specialized schooling atmosphere and court-mandated therapy in exchange for no jail time and having their record expunged.”

I paused. “I’m not sure if that makes me feel any better.”

Cecilia butted in. “You have to do something, Clint. They really did a number on you. Even if you simply sue them for the hospital bills or something—”

Dad snickered. “Yeah. Pay me back some of that money.”


I rolled my eyes. “Please excuse him.”

“Did you just excuse me for someone else?”

I looked over at my father. “I did. Because you’re acting absolutely insane right now and I’m tired of it.”

His eyes lit up with fire as he stood up from his chair. His eyes panned toward the lawyer as he buttoned his suit coat. Cecilia got up quickly and followed him out of the room, trying to talk some sense into him. And as the door closed behind them, I cleared my throat.

“I’m really sorry for that.”

Omar shook his head. “Not your fault, Mr. Clarke.”

I sighed. “So, if I wanted to press charges, what would we do?”

“We’d gather evidence and serve each of their families with a formal subpoena. The boys are being held right now, so there will be a bail hearing. In which case, I’ll call for no bail since the charges are attempting to take your life from you. I’ll pose that they’re a threat for now, then suggest they be moved to a juvie facility where they can continue their studies while keeping you safe.

Then a court date is set and we work on presenting the facts.”

I nodded. “How long will this take?”

“I have a few questions.”

Dad came barging back into the room and the lawyer shot out of his chair.

“Sir, you’ll keep your voice down and keep it kosher. Or I’ll have you removed from the premises.”

Dad walked around the desk, standing toe to toe with the man. “My son needs to focus on his studies. Not fussing over putting four boys in prison.”

“They tried killing your son.”

“And he probably provoked them! Look, I know my son better than you. Better than anyone. He’s a troublemaker, just like they are.”

Cecilia yelped. “Howard! Stop it!”

“No! I’m done with you hopping all over my back and acting like my son is some wounded puppy. You said it yourself, Mr. Whatever Your Last Name Is, he’s a legal adult. He doesn't conduct himself like one, though. Every single issue I’ve ever had with this boy has been brought on by prior actions. Did he tell you two of the boys that approached him that night had gotten into a fight with him earlier in the week?”