Rae paused. “Ali?”

We all stopped just outside of the school’s front doors with Rae having a tight grip on my hand. While things had flowed in conversation well enough, now it came to a grinding halt. We all stared at one another, like four dumbasses all lost in the same math class. But as Allison’s arm quickly fell from Michael’s, I knew exactly what was happening.

And neither of them had told Rae yet.

Allison giggled nervously. “Um, we’ll talk at lunch. Okay? When it’s just the three of us?”

Rae’s lips parted in shock. “I mean, I thought maybe—”

I butted in. “Of course. Just the three of you at lunch. Sure.”

Michael snickered. “At least someone gets it.”

I shot him a look as I squeezed Rae’s hand. She nodded slowly, then the two of us ventured toward the doors. But as she pulled them open, I felt my nerves getting the best of me.

And I quickly dropped her hand.

She furrowed her brow. “What?”

I shook my head. “This isn’t a good idea.”

“Look, Clint. I’m not gonna force you to do something you don’t want to do. But if you can’t do this, that means you can’t do us. I’m not your dirty little secret. I’m not just some rest stop you can park at sometimes. At least, that’s not what I want to be.”

“That’s not what you are, Rae

. Never. It’s just all happening so—”

“Fast? Quick? Like lightning? Trust me, I get that. But I’m also not a slave to my image at school. I think we both know that. So, time to choose which one you want more. Your image or me.”

I watched Michael and Allison slide past as Rae kept the door held open. Allison tossed me a wary look, but Michael could have killed me with the one he gave. Rae deserved better than this. She deserved better than me. But if I was the one she wanted, then I had to do my best. Right? I mean, I understood her position. I couldn't keep us in the shadows simply for the sake of some fucking high school bullshit.

So I squared my shoulders and stood tall.

“Fuck ‘em, right?”

Rae smiled. “Yes. Fuck ‘em. Now let’s go before we’re late for homeroom.”

I reached for her and tugged her into the school. She giggled as she rested against me, her cheek pressed against my arm. We walked through the front foyer of the school together, in front of everyone. For all to see. I strutted my shit. I felt as if I were growing taller with every step I took. I walked down the main hallway before Rae took the lead, showing me where her locker was.

A locker I intended on walking her to every morning.

As she worked the lock, I started looking around. I took stock of the students. The teachers. Hell, even the principal. And while I assumed everyone’s eyes would be on me, I didn’t see a single soul looking in my direction. Not even in my general direction. I furrowed my brow as I found Roy slobbering all over Marina in a corner. I scanned the room and found the redhead from the party a couple weekends ago pressing herself against one of my other boys. No one had their eyes on me. No one gave a shit who I’d come into school with.

No one except me.



RaelynnOne Week Later

“Welcome to Grady’s Groceries. May I interest you in a—?”

The man waved his hand in the air. “Just ring me up. I’m in a hurry.”

I forced a smile. “Of course, sir.”

I scanned the groceries as quickly as I could, then bagged them. Cold items in the blue bags, regular items in the yellow ones. Eggs went down first, then the loaf of bread sat on top. Chips in the same bag. Apple juice in another bag. With the frozen vegetables, ice cream, and pint of milk in the last one.