I giggled. “If we don’t get a customer in five minutes, I’ll start shutting this place down.”

Clint grinned. “Anything I can do to help?”

“You can keep your hands to yourself until we can get out of here.”

“And here I thought grocery aisle sex sounded kinky.”

“Not with video cameras recording us.”

He shrugged. “I mean, I’m down for it.”

I scoffed and swatted at him as giggles fell from my lips. And as we continued to talk, no one came in. Not a soul. With forty minutes left in my shift, I felt confident that if I shut things down, we wouldn't lose one single customer.

So I grabbed the paper towels and the cleaner fluid to start cleaning.



Despite Rae’s protests, I jumped in and helped her. While she wiped down her register or whatever, I grabbed a broom and swept up some of the bigger dirt piles. I rolled the cart of returned groceries over to her, and together we started down the aisles. She handed me things and I placed them back on the shelves. And every once in a while, I stole a kiss for myself. The camera, too. But, mostly for myself.

Rae giggled. “You’re gonna get me fired.”

I grinned. “I mean, all I hear is more time with you.”

“And what am I going to do when I graduate high school and don’t have the money to move out on my own like I want?”

“Eh, we’ll figure something out.”

I stole one last kiss from her before I let her push me away. I chuckled as we continued walking up and down the aisles, putting back everything from all-natural peanut butter to gluten-free snack items. She gave me a kiss on the cheek before she shooed me outside, telling me she had to lock everything down from the inside out.

I headed over to my bike to wait for her.

Nighttime had settled over Riverbend. And in our little side of town, there were more stars in the sky than usual. I stared up at them, my arms crossed over my chest. I found myself discovering more things like this. Like the stars overhead. Or the beauty of a sunkissed horizon. I’d been writing more and more lately. For the first time in over a year, I had to go buy a new notepad. My muse attacked me at all times of the day and night, waking me from a dead sleep and forcing me to write things down so I didn’t forget them.

And while I still struggled with this whole thing between Rae and me, I knew it was due to her.

She was my muse.

“You look lost in thought, handsome.”

Rae’s voice ripped me from my trance and I found her staring at me. Leaning against me. Sliding her arms around me with her lips only inches from mine.

“And what if I am?”

She smirked. “Well, I’d say ‘penny for your thoughts,’ but I think that price is a bit steep.”

My lips puckered. “Oh, you’re gonna pay for that one.”

“Really? How—ah!”

I smiled as I slapped my hands down against her ass cheeks. The resounding crack made her jump closer to me, and I felt her chest pressing against mine. I captured her lips, swallowing her moans and protests as I massaged her butt. We leaned against my bike, our tongues intertwining, her soft whimpers of frustration turning into moans of pleasure.

I never wanted it to end, either.

“You really need to get a car.”

I nuzzled my nose against hers. “A car? What on earth for?”