He snickered. “No, I’m really not.”

I reached for his shirt, tossing it to him. “Yeah, you are. And you’re going to get ready now, because you’re my ride.”

He stood tall. “Tell you what. I’ll make you a deal.”

“I’m not sucking your cock so you can take me to school, if that’s what you’re about to ask.”

“If that didn’t sound so tempting, I’d say your words wound me.”

I sighed. “What is it, Clint? We don’t have long before we have to leave.”

He wrapped his arms around me and spun me around. I groaned with frustration before his fingertips started dancing along my sides. Giggles fell from my lips. I wiggled around, trying desperately to get away from his grasp. He picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, then spanked me on my ass. When I yelped, he did it again. And as I continued to yelp, he continued to do it.

“Clint, put me—ah!—down. What are you—ah!—doing?”

He laughed. “You’re just adorable, you know that?”

He tossed me against the mattress and I felt myself jump. He pounced on my body, his lips falling hotly against my neck. I moaned as I pushed him away. I groaned as I tried to knock him off me. But I felt his girth growing, his body heating, his hands venturing along my body, pushing up my tank top. Pulling off my cardigan. Stripping me of the fabric I’d just gotten onto my body.

“Clint, I can’t.”

His lips found my ear. “A ride for a ride. That’s my deal. Take it or leave it.”

I snickered. “You’re intolerable.”

“Is that a yes?”

I grinned as I wrapped my legs around his naked waist. I rolled him over, feeling his cock settling hard against my thigh. My hands planted into his chest, and he looked at me with deviousness in his eyes. He licked his lips as his hands slid my cardigan off. I ripped my tank top over my head, bringing my clothed breasts into view. He slipped me back over, sliding my pants off with one motion of his hands. As he slid down my body, he rid me of the only barrier between us.

Then his eyes flickered up to mine.

“Ready to ride me off into the sunset, beautiful?”

And as I pulled him back up to my lips, I rolled him onto his back, straddling him as I kissed him and prepared myself to be filled with him.



I panted for breath as I gazed up at the ceiling fan. Around and around it went, causing the room to tilt before I closed my eyes. I felt something flexing under my head. Something warm. Something strong. A heat rolled into me before something pressed against my ear. And the sounds it made sent chills down my entire body.

“It was worth it, wasn’t it?”

I snickered and shook my head. I’d never give him the satisfaction of inflating that ego any more than it already was. But he was right. Missing second period had been worth that moment with him. Worth the torrential lust that poured over the two of us as he held me steady, rocking deep within me. I smiled thinking about it. I snuggled into him as he crooked himself against me, holding me with his arms. Cradling me with his legs. Allowing me to bury myself into the crook of his neck and hide away from the world.

“Hey there,” he said, chuckling.

I smiled. “Hi.”

He kissed the top of my head. “You doing okay down there?”

“I don’t know. Depends. Does my hair look rough?”

“Are you asking me if you have sex hair? Really, Rae?”

I shrugged. “Don’t have long to get to school now. We practically gotta get up and roll out.”

He groaned as he rolled over and it made me laugh. I climbed on top of him, peppering his face with kisses. I settled my chin against his chest, watching as his eyes closed. Every movement he made entranced me. Every blink of his eye was a mystery I wanted to unravel. Every tick of his lips was a grin I wanted to question. Every stretch of his limbs was an opportunity I wanted to take to climb him like a fucking tree. And as his arms wrapped around me, I felt myself melting into him.