I grinned. “Whenever you let me take a peek underneath that skirt of yours. You know you can’t do that to my heart, beautiful. High-kicking those legs at practice without letting me get a close-up look.”

“Oh, you’re bad, Clint.”

I winked from beyond my sunglasses. “And you love it, gorgeous.”

She giggled as she turned on her heels in her pristine white tennis shoes. Her barely-there hips sauntered back over to her friends, where I knew she’d boast about talking to the bad boy on campus. They always did. The girls around here thought cozying up to me would boost their status in this school. That they could somehow unravel the mysterious bad boy that didn’t give a fuck what anyone else thought.

And I most certainly used that to my advantage.

“I see you’re already locking things down with tits over there.”

I chuckled as Roy walked up to me, his arm slung around Marina’s shoulders. She swayed those thin hips of hers in the skirt she wore, chewing on her bubblegum like her fucking life depended on it. I still didn’t know what he saw in those women. Girls with bony arms, gangly legs, and horse faces. But he didn’t understand why I enjoyed my women with a little more meat on their bones. It evened out.

Gave us more to gawk at without getting jealous, too.

I shrugged. “She’s nice enough.”

Roy quirked an eyebrow. “Nice enough? A few days ago, you were ready to get it on with her. You feelin’ okay?”

I snickered. “You might want to envision me getting it on with her, but I haven’t even started that rat race.”

Marina giggled. “And here I thought leather jacket over here was the kinky one of the group.”

Roy rolled his eyes. “What the fuck have we talked about with that mouth of yours?”

“Sorry, Roy.”

“You’re so nasty. All the time. That talk is meant for only me, when we’re alone. Got it?”

I chuckled as Roy gripped Marina’s chin. But, once they started sucking face again, I turned away. I didn’t want to watch that shit. Gross as fuck. The way they swapped that chewing gun around like it was a shared snack made my stomach turn. Roy was a nasty one, though. He enjoyed things with women I’d never indulge in a million years. Like passing them around and jerking off on their faces with other men surrounding her, too.

I mean, come on. I had some fucking standards.

And I sure as hell wasn’t jerking off in front of a crowd of dudes.

A small crowd gathered and I pushed off my bike. I hung my helmet off the handlebars of my bike, like I did every morning. We all started shooting the shit while those of us taken within the group practically dry-humped one another in front of the school. Roy pinned Marina to the front wall, kissing down her neck while she made sounds that would haunt me in my damn nightmares.

Then the main show arrived.

I saw Rae walking up with Michael and Allison. And I knew they were giving her a pep talk. She looked on the verge of tears, and it was priceless. Oh, if I made Rae cry this semester, it would be the icing on the cake. She prided herself in being tough. Strong. Different than the rest of us. But she wouldn't be so different if the big, bad Clint made her cry.

I made everyone cry.

Even my own damn mother.

“I hate to see her go, boys,” I said, chuckling.

Rae scoffed. “Do you ever know when to stop?”

Michael piped up. “Don’t pay him any mind, Rae. Keep walking.”

And as her friend Allison started rubbing her back, I found my ‘in.’

“Hey, Allison,” I called out.

She shook her head. “Whatever it is, I don’t care about it. Come on, Rae. Let’s get to homeroom.”

The crowd parted for me. “Have you and Michael fucked yet? Or is the jury still out on whether or not he’d rather partner up with me?”