Allison opened the doors. “Oh, spicy. I like it. Matches your personality.”

Michael smiled. “You know, you could rock a head full of red hair, too. I mean, with those freckles and this beautiful skin you’ve got.”

Allison gasped. “That’s it! We should dye your hair, too!”

I shook my head. “Oh, no.”

She pouted. “Oh, come on. It’ll be fun. Your hair can match your toes, and you can take some of my shirts that probably match, too.”

I grinned. “You mean you have shirts that aren’t pastel colors?”

Allison’s face fell. “Ha. Ha. Ha. Jerk.”

Michael chuckled. “Maybe just some under-the-hair highlights, then? You know, so when you wear it down, you can’t see them. But when you wear your ponytails, you can?”

I furrowed my brow. “How do you know so much about all this shit?”

He groaned. “Mom.”

Allison giggled. “Well, if you don’t want to you don’t have to. But you’d look hot with them.”

I sighed. “Why don’t we dye your hair, then?”

Allison’s eyes widened. “And deal with the wrath of my mother? Not a chance. You know how she feels about hair dye. Ever since she had that reaction a few years back, she’s been on that all-natural healthy-everything kick. If she came back to me with dyed hair, she’d probably disown me.”

Michael scoffed. “I hate to admit I even know this, but there are all-natural hair dyes out there.”

I threw my head back, laughing. “

Your mom is fantastic, you know that?”

He smiled. “I was adopted by some good ones, yes.”

Allison took my hand. “So you’ll think about it?”

And as I sighed, I ended up nodding my head.

“Okay. I’ll think about it.”



I swung my bike into the parking stall in front of the school. It was open, for once, and I wanted to make sure I took full advantage of it. All the best girls in this high school hung out in front. And it was those same girls that took to the back parking lot during lunch. Oh, the mischief they got into. It practically made me salivate. I felt their eyes on me as I revved my engine. I felt them scanning my long legs and the breadth of my shoulders as I kicked my leg over my bike. I turned the engine off and put the kickstand down. I slipped my helmet off, then slipped my sunglasses on quickly. They all watched the powerful man on campus with googly eyes, hoping to get a slice of me.

And I enjoyed putting on a show for them.

“Ladies,” I said, grinning.

The head cheerleader walked up. “Hi there, Clint.”

I licked my lips. “Hello there, beautiful.”

“Nice ride you’ve got. Been meaning to let you know. It’s much better than the one you had last year.”

“That’ll teach my father to sell it out from underneath me. Bought and paid for with my own money, too.”

She smiled. “Your own money, huh? So, uh, when you taking me out, then? With that money of yours?”