“That’s enough, Clinton.”

Rae giggled. “Be careful, he doesn’t like that name very much.”

The class laughed along with her and I shot her a death glare. I wanted to wrap my hand up in that damn ponytail of hers and tug until she cried for me to stop. Who the fuck did she think she was, embarrassing me like that?

Oh, she’d get what was coming to her soon enough.

“Miss Cleaver, one more outburst from you and you’ll be heading to the principal’s office.”

I snickered. “I don’t think she’s ever been there before. Might be a fun field trip.”

Allison turned around. “Your parents around to sign your permission slip, Clint?”

I glared. “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask your mother when she’s getting home from my father’s bed later?”

“That’s enough!” Mrs. Christ exclaimed.

And then Rae turned around. “Put a fucking sock in it, asshole.”

Part of the class was dying with laughter, and the other part stared in horror. I smiled deviously at her as our history teacher walked over to her desk, tapping on it twice. I knew that signal all too well. It was practically my mantra during my high school years. One tap means a warning, two taps means the principal’s office. And when Mrs. Christ leveled her eyes with me, I held up my hands.

“I’m going. I’m going. I know how this works,” I said.

The teacher sighed. “And you’d do well to try and straighten yourself out. Because unlike the rest of your teachers, I’m not afraid of your parents. I’ve got no issues failing you right out of my class and holding you back a year if that’s what it takes to straighten you out.”

Rae scoffed. “Good luck with that.”

I feigned shock. “Why, Miss Cleaver. You’re already in hot water. Whatever did you say that for?”

“I’ll put my fist through your face if you don’t stop.”

“I’d love to see you try.”

Mrs. Christ raised her voice. “Principal’s office. Now!”

Rae bit down on the inside of her cheek in frustration and I blew her a kiss. I slid my sunglasses down on my face, watching her boil over with anger as I tossed her a playful wink. Oh, having history together was going to be fun. Especially right after our lunch break. Back-to-back moments where I got to pick and poke and prod until she finally exploded.

And maybe, I could get her in the principal’s office a few more times with me.

I walked over to the classroom door and held it open for her. I bowed deeply as she walked through, and I felt her bump my forehead with her hip. Hard. The motion made the class cackle with laughter again, but it stunned me for a split second. The softness of her skin. The warmth of her hip. The strength behind it as I stumbled back a bit.

Rae definitely had some secrets underneath those clothes.

And I want to uncover all of them.

I shot up at the thought and shook my head. I let the door bang closed as I trotted to catch up with Rae. She was striding, trying to get away from me as we made our way for the stairs. I shoved the door open, forcing it to swing back before letting go. And as I turned around, I watched Rae hold out her hands. The door slammed back into her, knocking her clear off her feet as curses left her lips.

“Fucking hell, are you serious?”

I puckered my lips. “Oh, baby. You kiss your momma with that mouth?”

She bounced down the stairs. “Get the hell away from me.”

I caught up to her, slinging my arm around her shoulders. “And here I thought we were becoming best buds.”

Then, out of nowhere, she gripped my wrist. She wrangled me away from her body, twisting my arm around my back. She bent my wrist up, causing me to growl out as she shoved me into the wall. And as we stood there on the platform between the staircases, she shoved her knee into the back of my thigh.

“If you ever touch me again, be prepared to lose your hand. Understood?”