Knox sighed, settling in his chair at the head of the table. “Thea’s supposed to be keeping a low profile.”

“Well, she’s not. I won’t have her bugging Khloé. I told Thea to stay away from her, but I’m not so sure she’ll listen to me.”

“She’ll think that, with the history between you, there’s no way you’d arrange for her to be punished for anything,” said Levi.

Keenan nodded and took the seat opposite the reaper. “I need you to talk with her, Knox, and reiterate that she’s to keep her distance from my mate. Khloé’s got enough going on right now. She doesn’t need any added stressors on top of all that. And I don’t want my past tainting my present or my future.”

“It’s done.” Knox scratched his chin. “I think you, Levi, and the other sentinels should all be present for the conversation. In such situations, we usually hold meetings together to show a united front. I want Thea to grasp that although she comes from Ramsbrook like us, we won’t show leniency toward her; she will still answer to us the same as others would. Find her and bring her here, Levi. Keenan, you get hold of Larkin and Tanner. We might as well hold the meeting here.”

“What about Harper?” asked Keenan. “I know she doesn’t always attend disciplinary meetings, but Khloé’s her cousin.”

“Which is why I would rather my mate wasn’t here. She’s all knotted up with fear for Khloé right now; she wouldn’t stay calm while in the same room as someone who wishes to cause Khloé distress.”

“Fair enough.” Keenan telepathically called both Larkin and Tanner while Levi left to find Thea.

Larkin arrived at the boardroom first, and Tanner appeared mere minutes later. Keenan quickly relayed the issue once they had settled at the long table.

Larkin sighed. “Thea is her own worst enemy at times.”

Keenan would have to agree with her on that. “You should also know I’ve claimed Khloé,” he added, pride in every syllable.

A smile split Larkin’s face. “Really? That’s amazing news. Not wholly unexpected, of course—I figured it’d happen sooner or later. Congratulations, Keenan. I’m super pleased for you both.”

“Same here. I was tired of watching the two of you dance around each other,” said Tanner. “On a more somber note, how is Khloé?”

Keenan’s stomach twisted. “No better, no worse.”

“Levi’s just telepathed me,” Knox cut in. “He and Thea are almost here. She’s brought Lane with her, so one of our Force will stand with him outside the room.”

They all fell silent as they waited. When knuckles rapped on the door, Knox bid them to enter. Levi returned to his seat, but Thea hovered near the closed door, biting her lip. Tense and agitated, Keenan’s inner demon licked its front teeth.

She swept her gaze over each person there, no doubt noting their blank expressions. No one spoke or greeted her in any way. The only sounds were the whirring of the ceiling fan and the drone of the air-conditioning unit.

“Hello,” she finally said.

“Sit,” Knox invited.

Thea reluctantly walked to the table and gingerly sat on the chair beside Larkin. “Levi said you wanted to speak with me.”

“Yes,” said Knox. “Why do you think I’ve called you here?”

“I’m assuming that Gavril’s been in touch with you again or something.” Her face fell. “You’re not going to withdraw your protection from me and Lane, are you?”

“It’s not my intention. But my protection will mean nothing if you persist on being careless.”


“The plan was for you to keep a low profile, yes?”

She gave a slow nod. “Yes.”

“Going to one of my Underground hotels and asking to speak with one of my guests isn’t lying low, is it?”

Color flooded her cheeks. “I wore glamor.”

“You posed as Khloé Wallis’s friend. Why is that?”

Thea slid Keenan a quick look and tucked her hair behind her ear. “I just wanted to talk to her.”

Knox’s brow hiked up. “And you didn’t think she’d guess that she wasn’t speaking with one of her closest friends?”

Thea gave a weak shrug. “Most people don’t.”

“Did you even consider what could have happened? It’s no secret that she currently has somebody trying to kill her. If she hadn’t already known about you from Keenan, she could have thought you were sent by the person who wants her dead; she could have killed you, leaving Lane without a mother.”

She blanched. “I would have teleported me and Lane to safety immediately if she tried to attack. Look, I’m sorry for seeking her out. I just wanted to speak with her. I didn’t upset her or anything. Did I, Keenan?”

Keenan said nothing, making it clear that he wasn’t there to vouch for her.

Knox cocked his head. “You think he’ll defend you. This confuses me.”

Yeah, it confused Keenan and his demon just the same.

Thea licked her lips. “I don’t blame Khloé for reporting what I did—”