Page 117 of Omens (Dark in You 6)

Understanding why they were so intent on protecting Asher’s secrets, Khloé, Ciaran, and Jolene had consented to having the memories of what he’d done erased or adjusted. It hadn’t worked on Khloé, though. Probably because it was difficult to manipulate the minds of those who specialized in mind control themselves.

Neither Knox nor Harper had panicked about that, though—they trusted that she’d never betray her little dude. They only worried that someone could pluck Asher’s secrets from her brain.

At this point, Khloé was pretty sure the kid was no sphinx, but she hadn’t asked for confirmation of that, just as she hadn’t pushed to find out what breed of demon Knox was. There were some things a person was simply better off not knowing.

As for little Lane, Knox’s Force had found and returned him to the Prime. Despite that his anger with Thea was still fresh, Keenan had ensured that Lane wouldn’t pay for her sins and had placed the boy with a good foster family within their lair, refusing to put him in a home for demonic children.

Lane seemed to be doing as well as could be expected. His gifts hadn’t returned, which meant that Asher truly had extinguished Lane’s personal stock of power. And that was just damn frightening.

“Careful you don’t trip,” Teague said to her when her heel sank into the soil.

“Fuck off, Batman,” Ciaran muttered, still sleeping.

“Should we wake him?” asked Teague.

She flapped a hand. “Nah, he’s fine there.”

“What about Beck? I don’t know how someone can fall asleep in a sandbox, but it can’t be a good thing.”

“He’ll be okay.”

The tall, prickly grass brushed her ankles as they crossed the yard and headed inside. The scents of alcohol, perfume, pizza and other various foods hit her hard. She’d only taken two steps when she noticed Keenan edging his way through the traffic of people near the fridge. His expression softened when he spotted her, and she couldn’t help but smile at that.

Stalking toward her, he exchanged a brief greeting with Teague, who then walked away and left them alone. Keenan pulled her close, his mouth twitching. “Are you blitzed?”

“Nope, I’m Khloé. You should know this already.”

“Did you know that you have a piece of popcorn stuck to your forehead?”

She blinked. “It’s still there? Wow.”

He flicked it off and then pressed a kiss to her mouth. “You took too long to come back to me,” he complained, tucking her hair behind her ear.

“I was gone for, like, ten minutes.”

“You know I miss you when you’re not with me.”

She snorted. “What I know is that you like to have me in your sight at all times to reassure yourself that I’m fine.”

“That, too.” He raked his gaze over her, and his eyes grew heated. “Love this dress on you.” And the lacy bra I got a sneak peek at earlier, he added telepathically. Do your panties match?

She lifted a brow. What panties?

He groaned. Little witch. He skimmed his fingertips over the none-too-subtle brand his demon had put on the side of her neck just last night.

“You like it, don’t you?” she asked. “You like that everyone can see it?”

“Yeah, I do. It says that you’re spoken for, and that’s good. I can’t have anyone thinking they can touch my property, can I?”

“Excuse me? Property?”

He chuckled and took her mouth before she could reprimand him, licking and consuming until she was pure goo in his arms. The sound of glass breaking had them both lifting their heads. A bottle of vodka had smashed on the floor. Liquid and fragments of glass were everywhere.

“Come on,” said Keenan, tugging her out of the kitchen.

Bopping her head to the music, Khloé let him lead her into the dining room. Many stood around the buffet table, talking and munching on food. Others danced or sang along with Khloé’s brother, Robbie, who was singing on the karaoke.

“He has a good voice,” commented Larkin as she, Levi, and Knox sidled over.

“Koey!” yelled Asher, balanced on his father’s hip.

“Hey, little dude.” Khloé blew him a kiss and then smiled at her younger sister, Heidi, who was clinging to Larkin’s back. “Having fun?”

“Uh-huh,” said Heidi, beaming.

“I found her and some of the other kids jumping up and down on a passed-out imp like he was a damn trampoline,” said Larkin. “Jolene rolled the guy under the buffet table. I don’t know how he can sleep through all this noise.”

“I have a question,” Levi said to Khloé. “Why is that guy in the corner wearing a Predator suit?”

Khloé frowned. “You’re assuming he needs a reason.”

“Yeah, imps don’t need reasons for the things they do,” Larkin said to the reaper. “Haven’t you learned that yet?”

Everyone clapped as Robbie’s song came to an end. He took a bow and then handed the mike to the DJ, almost tripping over the lights he’d wrapped around himself like he was a damn Christmas tree.