“Because he can raise a shield?” Alethea scoffed. “That doesn’t make him invulnerable. But don’t worry, we’re not quite ready for you both to die yet. Not until Knox is here to watch the show.”

Harper shot her an incredulous look. “Are you out of your mind? Seriously? You can’t kill Knox. And he’s not going to let you hurt us. As plans go, this one is a total flop.”

“Oh, I don’t think so,” said Alethea. “You escaped the jet, but the others didn’t. They’ll be badly hurt. I doubt that even Knox could walk away from a magick-induced plane crash without being severely wounded.” And the idea of that appeared to delight her.

Harper’s demon bared its teeth, wanting to wrap one of the ropy vines around the little bitch’s neck. They wanted him weak, Harper thought. Well, they hadn’t got what they wanted, but she didn’t let her satisfaction show in her expression.

Asher clapped, chuckling to himself, eyes on the encantada.

Alethea looked from him to Harper, brows knitting. “Why is he clapping?”

“He seems to find you funny.” Though fuck if Harper knew why.

Alethea’s face hardened. “Does he now?” She took a step toward him. Although Jonas snapped out his arm to bar his sister’s path, Harper found herself snarling.

“Bitch, you try to touch my son and—”

“You’ll do what?” Alethea asked, hiking up an amused brow.

“I never said I’d do anything. I won’t have to.”

Alethea faltered—hell, even Jonas and the practitioner seemed a little spooked by the sheer confidence in Harper’s voice. That was good, because it meant they hadn’t sensed that deep inside she was screaming.

“Do not advance on him,” Jonas told his sister. “If we make any quick or aggressive movements, he’ll pop up the shield.”

Alethea gave a dismissive flick of the hand. “I have it on good authority that he’s not very strong. I could probably punch right through it.”

“I’m not sure I’d ever describe Sherryl Malloy as ‘good authority’,” said Harper.

Alethea’s eyes narrowed. “So, she told you about our ‘friendship’ during that interrogation you subjected her to.”

“We didn’t see the clip of the interrogation, since neither of us were in the Underground at the time it was aired,” Jonas told Harper. “But I certainly heard about it from my sentinels. They were rather surprised and impressed by your voracity.”

A snort popped out of Alethea. “Killing a person who is bound and tied is easy. That doesn’t require power.”

But the interrogation hadn’t been a show of power. It was a warning not to fuck with Harper and Knox. And it seemed that the siblings were refusing to heed that warning. They weren’t willing to deviate from the plan they’d put in place years ago—they may have felt they’d come too far to turn back. Of course, they probably wouldn’t be feeling quite so confident if they didn’t have their minions with them.

Alethea sighed at Jonas. “You can move your arm—I won’t approach the child. You’re right; it would be best not to risk him raising his shield. We want Knox to be afraid for himself, his mate, and their spawn. But he won’t be so afraid for his son’s life if the child is safe within his shield.”

Barely stopping herself from grabbing a fistful of her hair, Harper lifted her chin. She wouldn’t show them her fear or desperation. No way. “Wise decision on your part.”

“Back to the subject of Malloy’s interrogation,” began Jonas. “Your video clip had the desired effect, Harper. People received the message loud and clear. That’s not good for us, since it is us they need to fear. We’re going to make a video of our own. A video of my sentinel and Drew’s hellcat ripping apart your son while both you and Knox are helpless and can do no more than watch.”

Just the idea of it made Harper almost retch. The protective power that lived within her was tingling her fingertips so intensely, they were close to numb—she craved to deliver some soul-deep pain upon these bastards.

“They will not only see our power,” added Alethea, “they will see how we lured one of your old lair to partake in this.”

Harper’s mouth flattened. “He’s just a baby.”

“But he won’t always be a baby,” said Jonas. “He will grow, and I can’t risk him coming after us for revenge.”

Another whine whistled out of the shuck as it danced from foot to foot, seeming uneasy. The siblings gave it an odd glance, but it was staring at Asher.

Just then, Asher looked to Harper. His little face scrunched up at the sight of the cage. He reached toward her and flexed his hands, making a fussy ‘Ma’ sound.

She gave him a reassuring smile. “It’s okay, baby boy. I’m fine.” She expected him to cry or attempt to crawl toward her, but he didn’t. He calmed, and she suspected she had his demon to thank for that.

“No, it’s not okay. It’s really, really not.” Alethea licked her front teeth. “I’m going to enjoy watching you die, sphinx. And I’m going to enjoy that Knox will watch you die. What I’ll enjoy even more is that you both get to watch your son die first.”