Cupping Harper’s elbow, Knox led her across the road to where the four sentinels waited. He quickly brought them up to speed, adding, “We now know our suspect drives an Aston Martin and has a black shuck working for him.”

Tanner’s brow furrowed. “I’m pretty sure one of Dario’s sentinels can shape-shift. He could be a shuck.”

“Look into it. We also need to find out if any of our suspects own an Aston Martin.” Knox looked at Harper’s cousin. “Your help was appreciated, Khloë.”

Doing a long, languid stretch, Khloë yawned loudly. “No problem.”

Harper’s mouth quirked. “Tired?”

Khloë’s shoulders slumped. “Haven’t slept in, like, a week. I was too determined to find someone that could lead me to Alethea. And I did. Am I the shit, or what?”

Deciding not to tell her cousin that she looked like shit, Harper gently squeezed her arm. “Yes, you are indeed the shit. I’m totally in your debt. Now go home. You need sleep.” Although demons could go days without it, it wasn’t good for them.

“You don’t need to tell me twice.”

“Want a ride back? Tanner won’t mind.”

Nose wrinkling, Khloë began to back up. “Nah, I’m good.”

Keenan sighed at the imp. “Should you be out alone?” he snarked.

Khloë blinked up at him, as if she’d only just noticed he was there, but Harper knew that wasn’t the case. Khloë was aware of everything. “Why wouldn’t I be?” she asked.

His mouth tightened. “Because you attract trouble like it’s your job.”

“And you drink Everclear like it’s your job,” Khloë shot back. “Do you hear me commenting on it?”

“You just did.”

“Only to make a point.”

“My point carries more weight.”

“Probably not as much weight as your monster cock.”

“Khloë!” Harper exclaimed.

She turned to Harper, eyes widening in innocence. “It’s not like he doesn’t know. He sees it every day. I’m sure there have been many times when he’s jerked himself—”

“Khloë!” Seriously, Harper was going to kill her one day.

“Fine, fine. I’ll call you tomorrow.” She spun on her heel and walked off, whistling a merry tune.

Keenan turned to Harper. “Are you really going to let her walk home alone?”

“Let?” Harper frowned at him. “Do you not know Khloë at all?” There was no forcing her cousin to do anything she didn’t want to do.

Keenan sighed again. “I’ll be back in ten minutes.” With that, he jogged to his car.

Sidling up to Harper, Larkin leaned into her. “Do you think she’ll agree to let him give her a ride?”

“It’ll give her the chance to torment him some more, so, yeah.” Harper twisted her mouth. “Think he’ll ever ask her out?”

Larkin bit her lip. “That will depend.”

“Yeah? On what?”

“On whether he can get over his little issue.”