“You’re quite friendly with Lucifer,” Raul told Knox. “Maybe you can ask him to banish the incorporeal back to hell for you. I’ve heard that only the flames of hell can kill their kind. Unless you truly can call on the flames, you have yourself a major problem.”

Knox said nothing to that and kept his expression blank, not willing to even hint at whether the rumor was true or false.

“We’ll deal with it somehow, just as we’ll find out who the Horseman is,” said Harper, eyes hard. “Nobody gets to go after my son without paying in blood. And he’ll pay for a very, very long time.”


With Harper at his side, Knox made a public announcement the next evening while sat in his main Underground office. It went live on every screen throughout the subterranean ‘strip’—including in the bars, restaurants, casinos, and hotel rooms. He revealed his suspicions about Alethea’s killer, the matter of the incorporeal, and even the recent attempts by the incorporeal to get near Asher and to kill Knox. Just as he’d told the Primes, he also expressed his opinion that the last of the Horsemen obviously wasn’t as powerful as he’d like people to believe if he needed a minion to do his dirty work for him.

Yes, the latter would enrage the Horseman and might even prompt him into making another attack on Knox, but that would happen at some point anyway.

Afterwards, he settled Harper on his lap in his office chair and massaged her nape as he made some calls. It was just as he was ending one of said calls that there was a knock at the door. Recognizing the rhythmic rap of knuckles, Knox invited, “Come in.”

As he’d expected, Levi stalked inside. “I talked to Armand and others within the Force,” the sentinel said. “They made rounds of the strip, as ordered. Hearing you point out that the Horseman needed a minion seems to have lessened people’s fear. They’re naturally nervous that there’s a powerful incorporeal on the loose, but your lack of nerves appears to be keeping them from stressing over it—especially since you and Harper went strolling along the strip earlier and then had a meal like all was well.”

Knox gave a satisfied nod. “That was my intent, so good.”

Levi flung himself in the seat opposite his. “Our lair is pissed that the incorporeal went after Asher. I’m telling you, your kid has them all head over heels in love with him.”

Harper smiled. “Who wouldn’t love Asher? He’s too adorable for words.”

“True,” said Levi, mouth quirking. “He didn’t cuff you again when you tried to leave?”

“No. But he might have done if I hadn’t snuck out just to be on the safe side.” She’d touched Asher’s mind several times since she left the house and felt nothing but contentment and amusement. Larkin and Keenan were with him, and what better babysitters to have for your child than two badass, tough-as-fuck sentinels?

“How long do you think it will be before the Horseman strikes again?” asked Levi.

Knox twisted his mouth. “He’ll be livid that I practically dismissed him and branded him weak. Whether he retaliates quickly or slowly will depend on just how impulsive he is.”

Levi’s gaze slid to Harper. “I know you both said you wanted to resume your day-to-day activities. Does this mean you’re returning to work soon?”

Just the thought made Harper’s stomach go rock hard. “Not yet. Especially while all this shit is up in the air.”

Levi nodded. “Figured as much, but I wanted to check. Heard anything from Dion yet?”

“As a matter of fact, yes,” replied Knox. “His letter came earlier today. He’s invited us to visit him tomorrow.”

Hiding her annoyance that he hadn’t told her of the letter sooner, Harper asked, “What time will we be leaving?”

“Not you, baby. Levi and I will go.”


; Harper hiked up a brow. “Is that a fact?” So much for working together, she thought. Glaring at her mate, Harper said, “Levi, could you give Knox and me a minute alone, please?”

“I’m done here anyway.” The smile was clear in his voice.

Good luck, Levi said to Knox, pushing out of his seat.

Fuck off, Knox retorted. The second the door shut behind the sentinel, Knox put a finger to Harper’s mouth. “Before you light into me, hear me out. I’m not pushing you out of this fight—I said we’ll work together on dealing with the Horseman and the incorporeal, and we will. But I don’t want you coming with me to visit Dion. If I have my way, you’ll never be in the vicinity of him.”


“He collects the unique, and you are very much that. Your eyes alone would fascinate him. I want his focus on me and the matter of Alethea when I speak to him, not on you.”

She snorted. “I seriously doubt I’d fascinate him that much. Also, if he is the Horseman, his attention will definitely be on the matter of Alethea because he’ll worry he’s a suspect.”

“I know, but I don’t want him to worry he’s a suspect. I’ll make out like I’m there purely because I mean to speak with each of the people who Alethea spent time with before she disappeared. Of course, I’ll be taking a stab in the dark by implying that Dion was one of those people, but he doesn’t need to know that. He won’t buy that he’s not a suspect if you and I—two Primes—go there together. It will seem something much more formal. Threatening, even. And then he’ll likely shut down, and we won’t get the answers we need.”