Harper smiled. “I see it.”

Recalling the time Harper had engaged in such a sport and nearly took a hundred years off his life, Knox warned, “You’d better not try putting Asher on the back of a bull.” Having been raised by imps, his mate had engaged in lots of dangerous and often highly illegal activities since a very young age—including breaking into bank vaults and indulging in high-speed car racing. He didn’t want Asher doing the same.

Her mouth kicked up into a smile. “Not even once?”


“But it’s fun.”

Knox looked at her, incredulous. “It’s the most dangerous eight seconds of sport.” A sport that imps especially loved to do when drunk.

“What’s your point?”

Knox shook his head. “Never mind.”

His mate just chuckled.

“Ooh.” Fire erupted out of Asher’s hand, and then he was holding a little truck. Smiling, he showed it to Harper. “Ma!”

“I see it, but that’s not yours.” Gently prying the truck from him, Harper shook her head in reprimand. “We don’t take people’s things.” She glanced around in search of the owner. A little boy in a stroller was hanging over the side, his teary gaze sweeping the floor like he was looking for something. Harper walked over and gave the little boy the truck, and he instantly calmed.

The kid’s mother, who’d been gossiping with another woman, completely oblivious, turned.

“I was just handing him back his toy,” said Harper, knowing the woman would assume he’d simply dropped it.

“Th-thank you,” she stuttered, recognizing Harper and seeming a little intimidated.

“No problem.” Harper returned to her son, whose eyes bled to black as his demon surfaced. It touched her mind, communicating its displeasure. “Don’t be a brat,” she told it. She cut her gaze to Knox. “It’s not funny.”

“I’m not laughing.”

“You are in your head.”

Yes, he was. Outside, Knox buckled Asher into the car seat of the Audi and then gave her a lingering kiss. “Unfortunately, I can’t go home with you. I won’t be long.”

“Don’t work too hard.” She smoothed a hand down his tie. “See you soon.”

He gave her nape a little squeeze. “Stay safe.”

“Right back at you, Thorne.” With that, s

he slid into the car.

Tanner and Keenan both gave him reassuring looks that said they’d keep her and Asher safe, and then the sentinels hopped into the Audi.

Only when the car was no more than a dot in his vision did Knox then head back inside the club, where Ciaran then teleported them all back to Jolene’s kitchen. She was waiting there, body tight, fists clenched.

“Is he still alive?” she asked.

“I told you I’d give you an opportunity to deal with it yourself, and I will,” Knox told her. “Make the most of that opportunity, Jolene, because I won’t give you another. No one gets to covet what belongs to me.” He and Levi then exited the house and headed to the Bentley.

Inside the car, Levi clicked on his seat belt and said, “Didn’t you mention the tattoo to Drew?” He tapped his temple to indicate he meant telepathically.

“No,” said Knox. “I’ll leave Jolene to deal with that problem. Clarke was careful to keep his mind blank, but it didn’t take telepathy to sense his jealousy or bitterness.”

Pulling onto the road to merge into the traffic, Levi smirked. “No, it didn’t. I couldn’t help but enjoy it. Did you notice that Asher doesn’t like him?”

Knox smiled. “As I told Harper, kids sense evil.”