There was a rock/art/Harley Davidson feel to the studio, which Harper loved. Metal art—which also happened to be enlarged copies of tattoos—hung on the bright white walls, including tribal swirls, Chinese dragons, bright flames, a flock of ravens, and a howling wolf.

Looking up from the obsessively neat reception desk that also doubled as a display cabinet for jewelry and other products, Khloë squealed in excitement. The noise made Raini peek around the checkered glass partition that separated the tattoo stations, and her eyes widened in delight. At the same time, Devon turned away from the lighted tracing table with a ‘What, what’s happening?’ look.

Heels clicked on the hardwood floor as the three girls swarmed Harper. But it wasn’t her they made a fuss of—no, they didn’t even say hello to her. It was Asher they fussed over, peppering his face, hair, head, and hands with kisses.

“Where’s my little dude?” cooed Khloë who, despite being the smallest, managed to be the one who took Asher from Harper’s arms.

“Careful,” said Harper. She held up her wrist so they could see the cuff. “The little bugger bound me to him for a while, so you won’t be able to move far before I get yanked along with you.”

Raini’s brows rose. “He did that?” She chuckled. “This kid cracks me up.”

Tanner tugged on Devon’s hair. “Hey, kitty cat.”

Devon sniffed at him. “Go cock your leg and pee on some trees, pooch.”

With an amused smile, Tanner took position at the door. Harper knew he intended to sniff anyone who entered. If they were without a scent, he’d pounce.

Khloë took Asher to the vending machine, bumped her fist on the side of it, and there was a whirring sound as it dropped a Hershey’s bar.

Keenan shook his head. “I’ve tried to do that, I really have.”

“We all have,” said Harper. But it was a thing that only Khloë and her father seemed able to do.

Raini squeezed Harper’s shoulder. “How are you?”

“Fine,” replied Harper. “I have news you’re not going to like, though,” she added quietly. “It’s not something we can talk about here in great detail.”

Raini’s brow furrowed. “We’re closing for lunch in, like, twenty minutes. I’m almost finished with my client, and these guys are only here for a quick consultation. Can you hang around until then?”

“Sure. Me, Keenan, and Asher will stay in the breakroom out of your way.”

Raini’s gaze slid to the hellhound. “And Tanner’s gonna stay right there?”

“I’ll explain everything soon,” Harper assured her. “Then you’ll understand why we’re being so cautious.”

It wasn’t much longer before the girls closed the studio for lunch. Khloë had apparently nipped to the deli first, because she entered the breakroom with a bag full of sandwiches. The smells of roast beef, peppers, and mayo made Harper’s stomach rumble.

Once they were all gathered around the table, sandwiches in hand, Raini looked at Harper. “Spill.”

Harper stroked a hand over Asher’s hair, who was sitting on her lap and toying with her necklace. “Before Alethea died, she did something pretty stupid. She stole a jarred incorporeal demon from a private collector. She also set it free.”

There was a shocked silence. Then the girls all muttered curses beneath their breath.

“If she was alive, I’d kill the bitch,” spat Khloë.

“The she-demon who went after Asher, posing as you … that was the incorporeal?” asked Devon.

Harper nodded. “Which makes it an ‘it’, not a ‘she’. I don’t know if it will come here, but you need to be on alert just in case.” As they ate, she told them everything that Jonas ha

d told Knox. She also educated them on incorporeal demons before adding, “If you see me, don’t automatically assume that it is in fact me. Ask me something that only I would know. Devon, you’re a hellcat. Your sense of smell is strong. If someone approaches you who has no scent, it could very well be the incorporeal taking on a physical form.”

Khloë absentmindedly tugged on her earlobe. “How do we know if we’re around people who’re hosting an incorporeal?”

“We don’t,” said Harper. “Not unless it wants us to know. That’s why we all need to be alert and careful.”

“Does Grams know about this yet?” asked Khloë.

Harper lifted a brow. “You didn’t hear about the old skyscraper that freakily crumbled to tiny pieces last night?”