“Hey, baby,” he said, his voice warm and deep and rumbly. “My family wants us all to get together at my place tonight to celebrate you and I finding each other. Ingrid was planning on cooking something special, but I know how much you love Chinese food, so I said we could all order a takeout if you’re up for it?”

“Like I’d ever turn down Chinese food.” And it warmed her that he’d pick that over a home-cooked meal.

“Invite your girls. Camden, too, if you’d like. I want both our families there.”

She smiled, liking that he understood how important Aspen and Bailey were to her. Even Camden, despite his insistence on holding himself apart, mattered to her. “They’ll be there.” Mostly because they were too nosy to miss it.

“Good. Everyone is planning to turn up at seven.”

That gave her a couple of hours to do laundry and stuff. “Seven works.”

“I’m on my way to the center to pick you up. I shouldn’t be more than ten minutes. And before you tell me you’re quite capable of driving yourself home, I’m aware of that. I’m not doing this out of overprotectiveness. I’m doing it because I’ve been jonesing to see you all day.”

She felt one side of her mouth hitch up. “All right. See you soon.”

“Soon,” he agreed. Then she had dead air.

“I’m guessing that was Tate,” said Aspen. “Your face only goes all soft like that when you’re talking to him.”

Havana felt her brow furrow. “My face does not go soft. And yes, it was Tate. He wants me to invite you two and Camden to his house tonight. His family wants to celebrate that he and I found each other. We’re doing that with Chinese takeout, because my man knows me well.”

“Well I’ll be there,” said Bailey.

Aspen pulled her phone out of her pocket. “Me, too. I’ll text Camden and check if he’s up for it.”

“Okay, good. Also, Tate’s on his way to pick me up from work just because.”

Bailey’s eyes lit up. “That means I can drive home the car he gave you, right?”

“Loaned, he loaned it to me.”

Bailey snorted. “If you don’t think he’ll try pushing you to keep it, you’re dumb. Tate is an Alpha, Havana. That means his level of protectiveness toward you will be off the charts. He’ll need to know that you’re as safe as you can possibly be. You know that.”

Aspen nodded. “My advice? Just roll with it, Vana. You’re both natural-born alphas, which means you’ll clash over certain stuff. Choose your battles wisely rather than butting heads with him all the time. You won’t get him to compromise on matters of your safety—no mate ever would, especially not an Alpha.”

“Pure truth,” said Bailey. “And you have to admit that having bulletproof windows is just plain cool.”

Havana folded her arms over her chest. “Hmm.”

It wasn’t long before he arrived at the center. Havana had expected him to text her once he pulled up outside, but he came right into the building and tracked her down, and then hauled her close right in front of God and everyone.

“Hey.” He dipped his head and kissed her. “Hmm, needed that.”

She smiled. “Always happy to be of service.” She didn’t fail to notice how many female eyes drifted his way. She could understand it. He was one of those people you just couldn’t help but look at. That didn’t mean she was good with them ogling him—especially when she was right there. It was just plain disrespectful.

She could be the bigger person and just ignore it. But even as she told herself that, she tossed some frowns at the oglers. They averted their gazes quick enough.

He slid his hand up her back. “You ready to go?”

“I am. Bailey’s going to drive the car you loaned me back to the complex.”

He interlinked his fingers with Havana’s. “I figured she would.”

After saying her goodbyes to Bailey and Aspen, Havana allowed Tate to lead her outside.

Opening the rear passenger door of the SUV, he said, “In you go, baby.” Once she was inside, he slid in beside her while Luke took the front passenger seat. In the driver’s seat, Farrell briefly greeted her as he switched on the engine.

Tate took her hand. “Come back to my place with me.”

She pursed her lips. “Hmm, what’s my incentive?”

“There’ll be food. And sex. Lots and lots of sex.”

“Then I’m in. Sounds better than laundry.”

Tate smiled, satisfied. He wanted some time alone with her. Wanted some uninterrupted time with her. Wanted them to be at a place where people like Dieter wouldn’t show up.

It wasn’t long before they arrived at his house. As he planned to stay home the rest of the day, he politely dismissed Farrell. Luke didn’t see the point of leaving, since he’d be attending the takeout celebratory meal, so the Beta opted for hanging out in the back yard.