“No,” I protested feebly, pushing against him to no avail. When my legs started to tremble, he swooped me up as if I were a doll, cradling me against his chest.

“I told you I was coming for you.”

I swallowed a glob of saliva, my vision blurring as my lids lowered. “Fuck you Rhett.”

His responding laugh echoed inside my head.



A frantic whisper woke me.

My eyes opened to the sight of Emery’s concerned face hovering a few inches above mine. “Oh, thank god,” she breathed, releasing the death grip she’d had on my shoulders.

I pushed myself up using my elbows, and licked my lips, trying to wet my mouth. My throat felt parched and brittle, a dull throbbing sensation came from between my brows. Everything came flooding back to me. I cupped a hand over the spot I’d been jabbed with a needle, proving to myself this wasn’t some screwed up nightmare, it was all real.

Rhett had drugged me as if I were a wild animal and taken me against my will. I was transported back to the night I told him he was insane. He’d agreed with me. He told me he was unstable. And what had I done in response? Let him fuck me like the savage he was, screaming I was his.

Taking in the unfamiliar room, I had to wonder if I’d brought this upon myself. Even if I had, Em didn’t deserve to be caught up in my sordid affairs. I’d warned her about sticking with me, but not for a reason such as this.

One small table lamp was on, giving off a dim glow. The walls were painted a bold tangerine and fuchsia, covered in circus prints. When I was younger, I had a Victorian dollhouse. It reminded me of that.

“Where are we?”

“I’m not sure. I woke maybe fifteen minutes ago and have been trying to wake you ever since.”

She took hold of my forearm and helped me sit all the way up. Something slammed from elsewhere in the house, what sounded like a door.

“What’s through there?”

“A closet?” she replied with uncertainty.

I sighed and slid from the bed. “Come on,” I whispered, motioning for her to follow me.

“Where are you going?”

“To find a way out of this. I don’t want to leave you here alone.”

She was quick to comply. I didn’t bother mentioning I had no idea what to do beyond getting away from here. One thing at a time.

I avoided the door I had a good feeling led to the hallway beyond, trying one on the far-right side of the room. I grasped the old bronze knob and turned slowly to prevent any unnecessary noise.

I lucked out, finding a small, dark bathroom with a basin, tub, and older style toilet.

To the immediate left was a square window big enough for one of us to fit through at a time. Tiptoeing

towards it, I pressed my face to the glass and peered out.

It was a little hard to see due to it being completely dark, but I could make out a hipped roof just outside the window. Gauging how far up we were, getting to the ground shouldn’t have been too difficult.

“Nova!” Em screamed, the undertone of her voice panic stricken. I whirled around searching for whatever it was that had scared her, spotting it right away.

She was still clutching the patterned shower curtain in her fist, eyes fixed on the two bodies stacked inside of the bathtub. It was the couple that had stopped to help us.

The glow of light struggling to make it in from the bedroom gave them both a ghastly appearance.

The man’s eyes were still open, blood from the hole in the side of his head dried around the right one. There was a jagged line running across his bone-y upper chest, one that could only have been made from a knife that went quite deep. So, he was stabbed and shot?