Thirdly, and this wasn’t really a point but still something to clarify, I didn’t usually find my flings while doing perimeter checks.

I repeated all of this to him.

“I didn’t say I was going to marry her, Cam. I’m not entirely sure how long she will be here. Right now, it’s what I want. Is there some reason you’re so against the idea?”

“I never said that.”

“You didn’t have to.”

He gave me a look. “Don’t profile me, I hate that shit,” he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

“I don’t have an issue with it. Or her. I’m guessing you know who she is?”

“I know who she isn’t.” Leaving the conversation to end here until the others were able to hear, I turned and walked into the room.

Bella was seated in her usual spot, a book in her hand. If Ice wasn’t working under one of the Jeeps or doing something for me, he was usually with her. That was the regular for them.

Ice was another brother to us. We’d grown up together. My sister had a fluffy throw draped over her shoulders, and one leg stretched out with the other somewhat tucked beneath her. Cam sat beside her, playfully knocking her foot off the couch.

She laughed and placed it on his lap, then looked over at me. “So, she’s staying?”

“How can you read and eavesdrop?”

“I’m an excellent multi-tasker.”

Ignoring that, I got straight to the nitty gritty. “Her name is Astraea.”

“…and I thought my name was bad,” Bella murmured.

I glared at her. “There’s nothing wrong with your name, or Star’s.”

“It’s pronounced as-tree-ah,” Ice remarked as he strolled in. “She was the virgin goddess of innocence and purity.”

“Should we be concerned that you know all of that well enough to recite it?” Cam asked.

“Concerned that I’ve got a brain full of knowledge?” he retorted, sitting right on Cam’s lap and Bella’s foot.

“Bro,” Cam laughed, shoving him onto the floor.

Bella sniffed and made a face. “You smell like decomposition.”

“He was getting rid of a body.”

I left out that I’d had him carve a Leviathan in the bitch’s forehead and that my acolytes were currently on their way to deliver her to the A.R.C personally. It was a small part of a bigger plan.

“What kind of trouble is she in?” Bella asked.

“As far as I know, she’s not in any trouble at all. They need her to secure an alliance.”

Despite the buzzing in my veins, I kept my emotions in check. There’d been rumors that two factions were looking to form a union, but no solid proof.

Until now.

Until Star.

Cam sat forward and rested his elbows on his knees. I saw it all sink in for him. Now he understood my other reason for wanting to keep her.

“That’s big…isn’t it?” Bella asked, sounding unsure.