We hadn’t talked about it.

He’d mentioned keeping me. There was never a confirmation that he would. I didn’t want to be kept, but my desire to never return to the asylum outweighed anything else. I couldn’t risk being outside of this place right now.

Having confirmation of who they were, I knew I was safe from Hendrix and his guerillas as long as I was here. They wouldn’t dare go against the Savages. The rest I could figure out later.

“Do you want me to go back to my cage?” I hoped he said no.

“Cage?” Cam echoed. “You mean the—”

“I want you to keep your ass at this table and finish your food.” Luce cut him off with a look I couldn’t decipher.

With a nod of his head, they both walked away.

“You better be right there when I come back,” Luce tossed over his shoulder.

His warning wasn’t necessary. Where did he expect me to go? We both knew I wasn’t leaving here unless he wanted me to, or I came up with an elaborate escape plan that would get me thousands of miles away from all this.

Once they disappeared up the stairs that led to the second level, I returned my attention to the curry. I was too hungry to waste it. I ate slow so I wouldn’t get sick, my mind working the entire time.

It dawned on me that Luce hadn’t said my real name. That could only mean one of two things. He either hadn’t gotten this piece of information yet, which I doubted was the case, or he was waiting to divulge it for his own reasons. I could only wish to know what those might be.

With someone like him, I’d never have an answer until he wanted me to.


A cage.

That wasn’t a simple slip of the tongue or smartass remark. She hadn’t tried to play it off as one either.

She’d been locked away; I’d already assumed something like that from how calm she was about being put in the kennel the other night. Everyone else always begged or pleaded to be set free.

When that didn’t work, they cried or tried to climb out.

The frequency with which it had to have occurred for her to so casually ask if she should return didn’t sit right with me. Neither did all the scars littering her body. Some were old while a few were so new the flesh was still healing.

I wasn’t blind. I saw more than the average person did, but these couldn’t be missed. Common sense dictated to shut the fuck up about them. Like I said, timing was everything.

My anger wasn’t as confusing as this foreign urge to be close to someone I’d just met. It was entirely out of character for me. I didn’t know how to begin explaining it. We’d barely touched one another, hardly spoken more than a few sentences.

I was attracted to her. Any man with two eyes would be.

She was beautiful filthy. Cleaned up she was even more. But this went deeper than vanity or getting my dick wet. I’d been trying to pinpoint what the allure was since she ran into my chest.

I’d brought all this up

on myself. I asked for excitement and Satanas delivered that shit on a steaming silver platter. It wasn’t what I’d had in mind, but I wasn’t going to complain.

Fuck that.

This was better than anything I could have sat around and thought up randomly.

“You trained them well,” Cam said.

He was referring to me whispering that the acolytes had found what I was looking for. They brought me two key pieces of information, one being the body of a girl who’d been shot. It was currently being disposed of.

“They became what they wanted to be.” I shrugged.

Our acolytes were human like us. They wanted the ability to thrive in a world of turmoil. The Savage culture gave them that and so much more. Our black cult religion saved twice as many lives as it took.