“We’re not sure yet,” Cam replied, taking a seat beside her as I planted my ass on the other side of Ice.
“Yeah. We need to figure out who the fuck she is first.”
“She couldn’t just be some random straggler?”
I knew she
already had the answer to that, but I replied anyway. “If that were the case, she would be dead.”
“Lags don’t look like her,” Cam added.
Ice and Bella shared a sly glance, then both smiled.
“And how does she look, Luce?” Ice asked.
“Yeah, our inquiring minds would love to know,” Bella echoed.
“You’ve seen her,” I responded somewhat dismissively.
“She’s not starved, and aside from looking like she went for a roll in the mud, it’s obvious the girl doesn’t wander around the Badlands.”
I kept my answer simple. If I said what I was really thinking, I’d never hear the end of it. I didn’t really get it myself. Star wasn’t typically the kind of girl I was attracted to, and that’s exactly what made her even more alluring.
Her hair was a mix of auburn and golden brown, hanging nearly to her waist. Her skin reminded me of porcelain, slightly freckled.
Beneath whatever the fuck she had on I could see everything, and it was far from disappointing. She was soft and petite with curved hips. The cute remark had been my way of fucking with her. She was gorgeous. I had to believe she knew that.
It wasn’t just that though. Most chicks wanted me because of what I would become and who I was. I’d be their status symbol. The rest were terrified of me.
The absolute lack of fear in those hypnotic pewter eyes and her blatant intrigue were rare. I liked it. Just as I liked how pink she turned when I smiled at her. Add in the fact that she was a complete anomaly, my mind was set on figuring out everything I could possibly know about her.
I’d just met her and was already planning on keeping the girl. The list of reasons why may have been small, but each one was crucial. She could be good for Cam too.
He didn’t have to say it.
I could sense it from the moment he carried her down the hall. He’d have dragged any other woman by the roots of their hair. I think we’d both appreciate having someone like her around—even more reason to figure out her identity.
I needed to know who was seeking her out, who she was running from. It may have seemed barbaric and like something from the Stone Age, but men didn’t let someone who looked like her wander off freely. The only logical explanation for her being there was that she’d escaped from somewhere.
Her being a prisoner would explain the handcuffs, if I wasn’t ninety-nine percent positive someone had been on the other end. Only one side was secured to her wrist, the other was in perfect condition and cinched shut. Had she been attached to some sort of object that wouldn’t be the case.
“I’ll let you be vague for now, but if we’re keeping her around for the time being you can’t keep her locked up in there forever,” Bella stressed.
Realizing I’d shut out her voice for the past minute or two, I pretended otherwise. “I gave her a blanket.”
“You gave her some dead person’s blanket? How utterly romantic of you,” she deadpanned. “It’s already been half a day. Don’t you think the girl is hungry? And I’m sure she would like to use an actual bathroom and change out of her night clothes.”
She had valid points, minus the blanket thing. That wasn’t a gesture of romance, I was simply trying to make her somewhat more comfortable until I spoke with my acolytes and my father to get a clearer picture as to who she was.
The sooner I got this worked out the better. I would never allow myself to lounge around and wait for answers. I couldn’t stand not having all the facts or necessary information. Sitting on my ass could prove to be a fatal mistake. I’d wasted enough time as it was.
“I need to get in contact with Dad.”
“I’ll come with you,” Ice volunteered.
“Cam?” I looked over at him.