“What are you going to do about Amo? Or Creed?”

“What makes you think they’re the same person all of a sudden?”

I sat up and cleared my throat. “The look on Bella’s face and you already knowing it’s true helped solidify that.”

“I never said that it was true.”

I twisted my lips and gave him a look. “You not saying it’s true tells me it is. I am curious as to how long you knew, though.”

“Not long. I didn’t put the pieces together until you let his name slip to Addy. She had a lead that basically proved they were

the same person. Today confirmed what I suspected.”

“And now? Are you going to kill him?” I asked quietly.

He let out a small sigh. “I don’t have personal beef with the Stags. I know Am—Creed, whoever the fuck—is your brother. I know he didn’t set up a proposal for the sole purpose that he wanted to marry his own sister—”

“Gross! Of course not. He would have been trying to save me. Amo wasn’t like that,” I implored. “I know people change, but that’s a damn big leap. He’s just become a terrible person.”

Luce smirked. “Can I really sit here and call someone a terrible person?”

“You’ve become my terrible person now, so I’m biased.”

He laughed, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

“That explains why I never met the person who chose me. I would’ve known who it was the moment he came to visit.”

“Also explains why he waited.”

I shrugged. That was one of the only things I didn’t understand.

“Do you know how big the Stags are, dove?”

“Not entirely, no. Everything I know came from gossip or was taught in a daily lesson that was twisted for the Cardinal’s benefit.”

“Put it this way, if there were a hierarchy list, they would be third on it. Just beneath the Venom. That took a shit ton of time, brains, and brawn, to pull off. It’s actually fucking impressive he did so on his own at such a young age.”

When he put it in those terms, things made perfect sense, but it also highlighted an obvious factor. “He wouldn’t have done it alone.”

“You sound rather sure about that.”

I sat up again, this time because the shade was doing very little to keep us cool. “I have a good memory of my brother. Can we go back inside now?”

He lifted one perfect dark brow. “You’re not going to cry?”

“Luce, what kind of question is that?”

“A legitimate one. Chicks always say they’re fine and then get pissed when men believe it. Cry and give us the silent treatment. I have two sisters, and this isn’t my first—”

“Hey!” I stood up and moved to stand directly in front of him. “Don’t compare me to your other flings or put words in my mouth.”

He tilted his head and smirked, like I was amusing him suddenly. “You’re even cuter all red and pissed off.”

“You are infuriating. Stay out here and burn. I’m going inside.”

I turned on my heel, making it two steps before he was pulling me down onto his lap.

“I didn’t say you could walk away.”