“It’s not something I do intentionally.” He shrugged.
I blamed his dad for this. Romero creeped everyone the fuck out by doing the same thing. You didn’t know if he was about to murder you slowly or offer to be of assistance. There wasn’t much in between, as far as he went. My dad managed to deal with it, though. I’m sure he had advice.
“Agito,” One of the acolytes instructed, motioning for us to move back.
The three of us moved a few steps away from the pit, watching as two more acolytes walked the perimeter and sprayed the bodies with turpentine. Wasting diesel on a dead man was a Badlands faux pas.
“I thought about fucking Star a few minutes ago.”
Ice glanced over at me, his facial expression clearly asking, What the fuck? Luce, on the other hand, didn’t so much as blink.
“You’ve thought about doing that a few times. What’s your point?”
“She was never on my bed with me when I considered it.”
I wasn’t going to openly admit I’d thought about fucking Star until I knew if this was one of his twisted means of getting me to talk myself into a trap.
I trusted Luce with my life. I wasn’t worried about anything like that. I didn’t want to piss him off or hurt him.
And it could have been the sun, but I think that time he reacted.
“Did you fuck my girl, Cam?” he asked dryly.
“No. I didn’t touch her. Much.”
“Your idea of ‘much’ is either a kiss on the cheek, holding hands, or hugging. If she wasn’t mine, your idea of ‘much’ would have been getting your dick sucked.”
He was spot-on. I was almost envious of how well he knew each of us. It worried me too, fucking frankly. For Lilith, Samael was nearly as perceptive.
“She made sure I understood her love is platonic.” I added the love part to mess with him, but I didn’t think it was too far off, if I were being real.
“Of course, it’s fuckin platonic. I’m not concerned whatsoever. I told you already, I know who she isn’t.”
“Seriously? You’re not at all bothered?”
The acolytes began dropping the fire starters, going from one end of the pit to the other to ensure everyone burned.
“No. I’ve considered fucking your mom a few times.”
“Yo, what?” Ice started to laugh.
“Bro.” I curled my lip in disgust.
Luce shrugged us off. “Blue’s hot. She’s got this whole innocent doe—”
“I get it. I don’t need details.”
The sick fucker grinned, laughing to himself. Kevin’s pained screams filled the air as the flames finally consumed him. Luce waited until the man resembled an easy-over egg that had popped its yolk before turning to me.
“Do you want her?” I detected a note of concern in his tone. He wouldn’t give her up, he’d already laid his claim. But if I told him yes, it would bother him every day thereafter.
Luce was made of grit and iron. There wasn’t any other choice for him. He was going to take the throne over from his father. He was something ripped straight out of nightmares, but when it came to his family, his heart bled red and was encased in gold.
I chose to be honest with him, like I always had been.
“Nah. Star is beautiful and has hella heart, but I wouldn’t want her for the right reasons. Besides, she’s all caught up in you. I want a girl not hung up on one of my brothers and that hasn’t already had his dick inside her. Trust me, being Star’s new bestie is more than good enough for me.”
“Bestie?” he reiterated.