I hadn’t once considered Luce’s parents were very much alive and well. Meaning, at some point I’d have to meet them.

“So, where do you fall in all this?” I asked, going to sit on his bed.

“I get all the perks by being his brother and best friend. His right hand.”

“And that’s good enough?” I eyed him.

“See,” he pointed, “I knew you had it.”

“Had what?”

He scooped some dirty clothes off the floor and tossed them in a basket before coming to join me on the bed.

“You’ll look out for him,” he stated confidently.

“I’d look out for you too.”

He stared at me with an obscure expression, a smile slowly spreading across his face. “You’re a good girl, Star. I’m glad we kidnapped you.”

“Thanks?” I laughed.

He grinned and shook his head.

“I have a lot of baggage to deal with right now, but even lost inside my own shit I would do anything for the Savages, especially Lucifuge.”

Unsure what else to do, I did what me and the girls always had. I reached beside me and took his hand.

“Don’t we all have baggage?”

“I dunno. You seem to have your shit together, considering where you came from and what they put you through. This person in front of me,” he gestured with his free hand, “isn’t a façade, though there’s some crazy in there somewhere.”

I skipped over his ‘crazy’ comment. “I am not close to having it together. I don’t know how to live in this world. I’m just going with the chaotic flow of life and winging it.”

He laughed softly. “Winging it just landed your ass on a throne, so you aren’t doing too bad.”

“I lost my girls in less than a month. Two are dead, possibly a third. I didn’t know Hayley well, but she could be gone too. I’m the only one left. We’ve been together since being imprisoned at the asylum…” I trailed off, tucking a strand of damp hair behind my ear.

“I want to grieve for them, but I don’t see the point. I stopped doing that so long ago I’m not sure how to do it anymore.”

He gave my hand a squeeze, remaining silent for a moment. “I think you’re where you need to be.”

I didn’t want to shoot myself in the foot and readily agree, but I readily agreed. “What about you?”

He expelled a breathy laugh.

“My brother is the reason I look like this.”

I glanced at his scars. How the hell did he do that?

“Dragged me behind a car,” Cam answered my obvious thought.

What the fuck? I knew Cam had siblings, that was common knowledge through the asylum, but I thought they were off doing the same thing Addy and Nyx were. “Your brother sounds like a shitty person.”

He chuckled and let go of my hand so that he could lie back, staring up at his ceiling.

“I’m only alive because I didn’t really want to die, but that doesn’t do shit for the pain. At first, every day was a struggle not to plant myself in an early grave.”

I clasped my hands on my lap and remained silent, listening.