I squeezed his cheeks together as if he were a child. “I said you or anyone else. You need to be serious.”
He grinned and pulled my hands down, keeping them clasped within his.
“Do you think the Savages lasted as long as they have by not being serious about fucking shit up?”
Okay, he had a point.
“See,” he intoned smugly.
“On to more pressing matters, I have a shit load to do today, and I can’t have you with me yet. I’ll send Bella with your tasks.”
“My tasks?”
“Yup. We usually like to toss people into our world headfirst and see if they’ll sink or swim, but you’ve got a starring role, so out of the kindness of my dark heart, she’ll give you some pointers.”
I peered up at him, brows knitting. “I’m not following this conversation.”
“Good.” He brushed a kiss over my lips then stepped back and maneuvered around me, exiting the bathroom.
“What do I do until Bella finds me?” I called after him.
“Whatever you want.” He popped his head back in. “Just don’t run…or do. I’ll find your ass either way.”
After another grin aimed my way, one I wouldn’t dare call friendly, he disappeared again.
When Bella hadn’t arrived within twenty minutes of Luce being completely gone, I slipped out into the hall. Sun filtered in from all the windows, creating a cozy atmosphere.
Not immediately spotting anyone but a few acolytes that were still as statues, I wandered down the hallway. I saw Cam’s door was open just as I reached the stop of the stairs.
Backtracking, I walked towards his room.
He was inside making his bed, smoothing down the top portion of the comforter. I raised my hand to knock on the doorframe so he knew I was there, but he turned before I could.
“Hey,” he greeted, his tone friendly.
“I just got here.”
He smiled, making himself look pretty and boyish. “I know, come in.”
I wandered inside and looked around again, seeing him all over the place. He had such a jovial disposition, I wondered how many people knew how badly he was suffering. I knew someone like him once.
“Surprised you can walk,” he remarked flippantly.
It took me a moment to catch on to his meaning. He was joking, but his assessment wasn’t too far off.
I think my vagina was broken, but that didn’t stop the masochistic cunt from wanting more.
“What do you do all day?”
“Smooth change of subject,” he laughed. “Better get used to it. Sex and our kind of Satanism go hand in hand.”
“Devil worship?”
“The devil you’re thinking of doesn’t actually have anything to do with it. Our symbols and insignias represent the Savage faith and domination. He’s the person we choose to follow,” Cam explained. “Our king of depravity and bloodshed.”
“Soon. Just like his daddy-o.”