That was my favorite part of death: watching it arrive and seeing it leave. I reached out and felt his pulse. It was throbbing already. Due to his other injuries, he could die sooner than I wanted.
Wouldn’t be the end of the world. There was bound to be another man in his place sooner rather than later.
“You did all of this for nothing. To try and get back someone who doesn’t belong to you.”
“She’s A.R.C,” he coughed, choking on his own saliva.
“Then why is her blood on a Savage’s dick?”
He sucked in a sharp breath. Leaving him to moan and whine, I walked over to the bulletin board. It was ironic he tried to claim her, considering they were legitimately trying to give her away.
I looked at everything we’d compiled since yesterday. Cam joined Ice and me, whistling low once he did the same. “And I thought our family dynamic was jacked-up.”
“Compared to most of the Badlands, the Savages are the Brady Bunch.”
Ice’s eyes flashed to the upper corner, and his jaw tensed. “Then there’s him.”
“Are we really surprised?” Cam asked. “Samael was the hybrid result for a next generation. I think everyone overlooked that. I doubt he was as sick as that doctor said. You know he disappeared too? I think this was something the kid had been planning for a while.”
Our mutual agreeance came loud and clear.
“So, you and the renegade?”
I shifted my attention to Ice. “What about us?”
“Is it solid? She’s it?”
“Would I have told you guys that if she wasn’t?”
“What about the initiation?”
“That isn’t happening until we deal with what’s in front of us.”
“She has to do something to prove herself. You know we don’t just let anyone in,” Cam finished. “Not even our moms had it that easy.”
“You think she’s capable of being queen?”
“She’s my choice, so it doesn’t matter, but you know she is.” I wasn’t sure why he would even ask. He knew half of the things that I did. We’d investigated together.
Astraea was nowhere near as harmless as she came off.
She and her brother were brought up to kill whenever it was necessary and not give a fuck about the repercussions that could come later.
A.R.C murdering her father had been their first mistake. You didn’t take in a wild animal and then off the only person who could handle it. All those scars on Star’s back? That was the proof that they couldn’t fucking handle it. I would make them pay for each fuckin one.
“She’s got it in her,” Cam added, gesturing to our board.
I read from left to right, laughing to myself. Our lives were twisted and complicated as shit, but I wouldn’t change a damn thing about em. Everything always panned out in the end. The paths each of us took were always dark and fucked-up, but they led us to exactly where we were meant to be.
I didn’t believe in fate or soulmates, but I knew Star’s world was meant to collide with mine.
“How long you think it’ll take the A.R.C to respond to that message you sent?” Cam asked.
“A day or two tops.”
“If you wanted an immediate response, you should have sent one about that precious V card.”