“You’re no longer needed,” a painfully familiar voice stated monotone before producing a syringe from his under hand.
It was shoved into Butcher neck before he could so much as blink. The Stag shoved him backward, leaving him to pull the needle out and stagger around. When turning to face me, he reached up and removed the mask.
“Sam?” I choked out, too many emotions bombarding me at once, relief, anger, confusion.
“Hey, sis.” He gave me his signature boyish grin and knelt down so we were eye level now.
“What the fuck is happening?” Addy repeated from across the room, directing it our direction.
“I know you’re a little confused and I wish I had time to explain everything, but that isn’t possible because I need to go.”
“What? Go where. You have to come home we’ve spent so long searching for you.”
He smiled, this time something akin to sadness. Sam had never expressed emotion like a normal human being but I’d always been able to read him.
“He isn’t sick,” Addy abruptly pointed out.
I swept my eyes over my baby brother from head to toe. She was right, he looked better than he ever had before. His grey/blue eyes were bright, dark hair clean and shiny, and his skin was blemish free.
“I haven’t been sick for a long time Nyx. But that’s not important anymore.”
“You two being alive and getting back home, is.”
“I don’t understand. What is going on? Why aren’t you coming home? And why aren’t you sick? Buddy said you were sick.”
He stood up and grinned. “I am sick, sis. All in here.” He placed a finger at his temple. “Buddy did good. Everyone did as they were instructed except for this sorry fuck. As your brother I feel obligated to make sure you’re never hurt, but that extends only to you and Addy.”
Reaching in the pocket of his robe he removed a thin set of keys and placed them just out of reach.
“We both knew it would always be you taking on Dad’s role. As it should be, that’s who and what you are. I’ve found my place elsewhere.” He began to move away then, placing the Stag mask back over his head.
“With the fucking Stags? Sam—.”
He paused. “No. I would never side with them, but I would infiltrate and make it my own. I’m playing the game now, sis. And I intend to be a top contender.”
My brain felt fried, as if someone had taken it apart, scrambled all the pieces, and then forgot to put it back together.
“Sam!” I called after him, yanking at my restraints. We’d come all this way for him and he was just going to walk away?
“What about Lilith?” Addy demanded when he was passing where she sat.
He halted again, more suddenly. “Lilith will never be coming back; she’s exactly where she needs to be.” That meant she wasn’t safe, not if she was alone with him. That meant Blue wouldn’t be getting her daughter back.
“Samael! Don’t do this,” I begged him, uncaring my voice cracked on the last word.
“It’s done, and I’m sorry for the casualties. I tried to keep the death to a minimum while making it all seem real.”
“Cobra…he was never meant to be one of them.” He stopped where the other two Stags stood and whispered something to them I couldn’t hear.
“I leave you Gwen and Butcher as gifts. They were nothing but gullible puppets and I have no use for them anymore. Take care of yourself, sis,” he added on before exiting the room.
The remaining Stags dragged Gwen’s body over to Butcher’s, and placed her beside him, and then followed my brother. I sat in stunned silence long after they were gone, unable to believe what had just happened.
We’d spent so much time and energy searching for him and he’d known exactly what was happening.