A sudden bang echoed throughout the prison. The entire building seemed to vibrate. Yelling filled the air immediately after.

I rounded a corner and stopped, squeezing my eyes shut, trying to get my thoughts in order.

I’d been standing there for less than a minute when I was grabbed from behind. A hand covered my mouth and an arm came across my chest, forcing me to hold still.

I struggled as best as I could anyway, blindly throwing an elbow back into a hard stomach and earning a soft grunt from whomever had a hold of me.

“Don’t fight me,” a deep voice said directly in my ear. My name’s Bryce. I’m here to help you.”

Immediately, I stopped and let myself go slack.

“I’m going to let you go now, but I need you to stay calm.” His arms fell away and he stepped back to give me space.

I turned around and found myself face to face with the man with green eyes.

“You,” I murmured, not at all that surprised. “You didn’t have to grab me like that. What are you even doing all the way over here?”

“I can explain everything as soon as we get out. We need to go now. Stay close and keep quiet,” he commanded.

Without further preamble, he set off at a brisk walk.

Unsure of what else to do, I followed after him. He led me into another portion of the prison that wasn’t used.

We had to maneuver around old cots, a rusted toilet, and fallen debris. Every few minutes, Bryce would look over his shoulder and make sure I was keeping up.

I felt the breeze minutes before he led me through an old rusted door.

Outside, the shouting had grown louder.

“Come,” he urged, picking up his pace.

I followed his lead, not really believing any of this was happening.

He veered into the overgrown weeds that nearly reached my navel.

I did the same, keeping up as best I could. I relied on the back of his head and the moon to guide me in the right direction. After a minute or two, he stopped and bent down.

There was a rattle, and then he was standing up, peeling back a piece of the chain link fence.

“Blue!” Vitus’ voice carried on the wind.

“Go, hurry,” Bryce ordered.

I shivered, gave one last glance at the prison, and climbed through the hole.

Bryce came through right behind me. Wordlessly, he placed the fence piece back how it belonged.

“Blue!” I heard again, this time much closer.

“Now what?” I whispered.

“Now, we run.”

He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the woods.

Chapter Eight