“It’ll be faster with two people,” Grimm said, following Bryce out of the cabin.

I looked at the clock and took note of the time, scooting towards Marco with the blindfold in my hand.

“What are we doing, sis?” Cobra asked. He stood with Arlen, both watching me with open curiosity.

Instead of answering him, I looked up at Romero. “I want you to cut both of his Achilles tendons.”

He didn’t so much as bat an eyelid at my request. I watched him remove his knife from its hiding spot and crouch down.

Marco yelled something unintelligible through his gag.

Romero was fast. He lined his blade up and cut into the spot at the back of Marco’s ankle, right above his heel. He sliced right through the springy band of tissue and then did the second foot just as fast.

Blood went everywhere. The back of his feet now resembled gaping, toothless mouths as the tendons separated and tore.

Marco and Vicky’s cries ming

led together, filling the room and making my heart do a little jig.

Devoting my full attention to my next task, I held the blindfold into Marco’s right wound and harshly pressed down.

When it was drenched in his blood, I bounced up and slipped it right over his wife’s head, pulling it taut, making extra sure it added pressure over her hurt eye.

Next came the twine.

Romero watched me closely as I snatched it up and quickly wound it around Vicky’s neck twice, making sure a decent length was left for me to work with.

I waved Romero over to me and whispered in his ear, keeping an air of suspense for the benefit of our two new friends.

“Damn, Pixie, that’s brilliant.” He gave me a rare smile.

“We wanna know, too,” Cobra whined.

“Let it be a surprise,” Romero answered for me, already untying Marco’s ankles.

He could no longer stand and had remained pitifully slouched over the chair while I tended to his wife.

His pants were still down, making the next part of my plan easy. Romero held him up and I knelt in front of him. Lifting his flaccid cock, I wrapped the slack end of twine around it as many times as could before cinching the end.

I beamed up at him. His face was paper white and his jaw was clenched, his entire body trembling uncontrollably.

“Oh, damn, that makes my dick hurt,” Cobra mused, laughing and covering his crotch.

“Arlen, untie her legs.” Romero gestured to Vicky. “Cobra, go up top.”

“Oookay,” he drawled out, heading for the stairs.

“I can’t believe I’m part of this,” Arlen mumbled under her breath. “Let’s go, lady.” She pulled Vicky to her feet and looked to us expectantly.

“Ready?” Romero asked, already hoisting Marco over his shoulder, unperturbed that his cock was touching him.

Still blindfolded, gagged, and unknowingly tied together with her husband, Vicky stumbled forward when the twine reached its limit, digging into her neck and, simultaneously, Marco’s flabby dick.

The three of us went to the upper level where Cobra waited, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

“Stand her here,” I pointed to a spot on the floor right in front of the banister.

Arlen led Vicky to it and stepped back. Romero kept Marco as far back as the twine would allow. “Free ride’s over, motherfucker,” he announced, unceremoniously dropping Marco on the floor.